chapter 10

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Beca thought it would be a good idea to go see her grandma Zoe today. She needs advice about her not so little secret, she's is actually surprised chloe hasn't noticed it by now. let's just say, beca was born with a little friend.

Chloe is at her house with Aubrey having a little girly night, she thought that since the two have barely been seeing eachother since beca and chloe have gotten together, that they should hang out. the two are sat on chloe's bed catching up on things. "so how are you and beca?" aubrey asked as she placed a gummy worm in her mouth.

chloe just smiled "amazing" she grabs her drink taking a sip, "she acted weird the other day when i asked her about sex."

aubrey furrowed her brows and continued to listen to chloe "i just asked her, that since we have been dating for a few months i'm ready to take the next step".

aubrey places a hand on her bestfriends shoulder "maybe she's just not ready yet chlo" the redhead nods and thinks about what aubrey just said. maybe she's right, maybe beca is nervous, maybe she's not ready, maybe she just doesn't want sex yet.

multiple thoughts where running through her brain, bad thoughts now now starting to join in. what if beca doesn't want to have sex with me, what if she's tired of our love, what if she's not a virgin?.

zoe opened the door to be greeted by her grand daughter. the small girl standing there smiling, "beca" the older lady sang as she embraced beca for a hug "what a lovely surprise, what brings your short ass here?" she says as she takes a swig of her whisky.

"gran it's 12am and you're already getting drunk" beca chuckles pulling away from the hug. "well it is my specialty" grandma zoe says as she walks inside "you coming or what?" she asks beca who shuts the door after following her grandma inside.

"so you never answered my question before" grandma zoe says as she sits down taking another swig of her drink.

"chloe asked if i'm ready to take the next step" zoe nodded at her grand daughter "so are you ready?"

beca just looks down and bites her lip starting to play with her fingers.

"you haven't told her have you?" beca just shakes her head.

grandma zoe places her drink down and looks at beca. "becs, your going to have to tell her." beca groans "i know i know.. it's just, what if she will think i'm weird."

zoe shook her head "if she truely loves you, she won't leave you."

beca thought about what grandma zoe said all night and finally texted chloe, she told her to come over tomorrow as she had something to tell her.

that's where the two are now, both seated facing eachother in beca's living room. "so what do you have to say" chloe asked as she looks at her nervous girlfriend.

"well.." beca starts "i have to tell you something.."

chloe nods and listens to her girlfriend "i am ready to take the next step-" beca got cut off by an exited chloe.

"that's great bec" beca sighed "but babe.."

chloe furrowed her brows and continued listening to beca. "i am.. uh intersex.." beca looked down.

it was silence for a few minutes and beca was pretty sure chloe left the house. but she didn't, she felt a warm embrace next to her. chloe pulled beca into a hug and held her close. "babe i'll love you no matter what"

beca smiled and looked up at chloe "and i'll wait for as long as you want to have sex" beca nodded at what chloe said and softly kissed her.

chloe kissed back and cupped beca's cheeks, swinging her leg over beca's and straddling her. chloe sat and pushed her centre onto beca's soon to be growing bulge in her pants. the brunette grabbed her girlfriend by the waist and pulled her closer. the two deepening the kiss.

chloe pulled away "are you sure bec?" beca just nodded and pulled her girlfriends shirt off. the two re attached there lips.

beca picked chloe up by the thighs and pulls her close, as she makes her way upstairs to her bedroom. she slowly layed chloe on the bed and took her own shirt off as well as her pants.

chloe bit her lip as she took a look at beca's bulge in her boxers. beca slowly starting to pull chloes pants down.

chloe sat up and took her bra off, leaving a wide eyed beca staring at her chest. "you like what you see?" chloe asked beca nodding as she takes her bra off and slowly taking her boxers off.

chloe's jaw dropped man she's big she though as beca crawls ontop of her. chloe pulls beca in for a kiss as beca's bulge slowly touches the outside of chloes panties. beca feeling the wetness soaking through.

the brunette slowly starts to pull chloes panties down as the two where sharing a deep passionate kiss.

"i need you" chloe whimpered, beca bites her lip and slowly places her size at the entrance of chloes centre. slowly pushing it in causing chloe to let out a long soft moan.

beca goes in deeper making chloe moan even more, beca thrusts in and out making chloe moan louder eachtime in pleasure and pain.

the brunette goes in and out faster chloe scratching beca's back at the progress. "i'm close" chloe says as her walls start to tighten around beca's length. chloe finally coming undone. beca not long after.

beca flopped down ontop of chloe, both sweating, the brunette rolled off of chloe and lays next to her. chloe cuddling into her side.

"that was amazing" chloe says giving beca a kiss on the cheek. beca smiles and replies with "absolutely amazing."

so yeah idk how to write smut, sorry guys. hope you enjoyed this chapter

[ word count: 1005 ]

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