chapter 15

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before i start i just want to say THANK YOU FOR 20K VEIWS like holy cow, i wouldn't of done all of this without you guys. i know i've been barley posting and i know that what i've been writing has been short, but i'll try to write more. also i'm sorry if i change names or anything, or i forget anything about the story. i may need to re read the story since i've kind of forgotten some stuff. but anyway, enjoy this chapter guys :)

a few months have gone by and chloe is close to her due date. beca of course has been by her side, ever since the accident she's been very protective of her girlfriend. especially knowing there is a human in her stomach.

beca and chloe where sat on chloes bed, watching tv. when chloe started to get pains "bec?" she said, getting the brunettes attention.

"are you okay?" she asked, moving to her girlfriends side immediately. before anyone new it, chloes water broke. beca looked at chloe "did you just pee yourself chloe?"

the redhead looked at her girlfriend in disbelief "seriously? get me to the hospital, my water broke!" beca was shocked, she jumped up and grabbed the bags they packed just in case the baby came early just like now. the brunette helped chloe get down the stairs to the car.

she started the car and put it in reverse, making her way to the hospital, her left hand holding onto the wheel and her right hand on her girlfriends thigh. "deep breaths baby" beca said after feeling chloe link their fingers.

chloe groans, as another contraction comes along "fuck". beca hated seeing her girlfriend in pain, but she knew pain is beauty, and soon her girlfriend is going to give birth to their beautiful son.

they finally made it to the hospital, beca rushing chloe in, getting doctors to help her.

they were now sat in a room, chloe sitting up in bed, with a gown on, taking deep breaths every time a contraction came along, beca called everyone she could think of telling them that they are at the hospital because chloes in labour.

doctors kept coming in and out, beca just sitting next to her girlfriend holding her hand, telling her everything is going to be okay.

a few more hours have passed and chloe is 10cm dialated, which means she's ready to push. beca stood up, standing next to chloe holding her hand tight. she knew this is the moment that chloe is going to push out their baby boy, their son. she could not wait, theyre gonna get a little house together, get married and grow their son up to be a strong handsome boy.

the doctor got chloe ready, and the nurses where getting the baby stuff set up. "okay chloe, on the count of three i would like you to give a good big push for me okay" he spoke, putting gloves on as he sat down.

she nodded and closed her eyes, giving a big push. "good job chloe, keep pushing" she continued to push, groaning and holding on to becas hand hard.

"you're doing great baby, come on" beca said, moving a stran of hair out of chloes face. the redhead pushed again, causing her to slightly scream "fuck".

"good job chloe, i can slowly start to see the head, just a few more pushes" he said, as chloe continued to do big pushes.

finally, chloe gave one more big push, and out was the baby. the first think beca did was kiss chloe in the lips, as the both heard the baby cry. "you did it baby, you did it" she said.

chloe smiled and closed her eyes "i did it" soon a baby was put in chloes arms, a beautiful a baby boy. he had becas brown hair, with chloes blue eyes. "what's his name?" one of the nurses asked.

the two looked at eachother and smiled, chloe looking back down at their son.

"hunter smith mitchell."

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