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Once i got in i went straight to bed.
The next day i woke up and changed into this outfit just so i was changed and then i got a text from Zion

Zion:hey can we meet i need your help meet me at starbucks what do ur order i juar dropped k off at the modelling thing

Me: okay ERM just get me a iced mocha

Zion: ina bit

I grabbed my bag and then went and then drove to the mall

Zion's POV

I was coming out of the shop and then i see Cleo walking down from the carpark

'Hey whats up wheres k' she said
'Well that's the thing obviously you know about yesterday well er yeah i wanna ask her out but like  need your help and i thought we can plan as you help me buy stuff she likes all for the first part of my plan ' i said as we walked
'Ahhhh z thats cute ,to soon aint it ' she said
'Nah well basically we've been talking since the third day we knew eachother and Right so i know her but not as well as you do , her favourite brands Nike , so we need to go there ,er i need you to tell me her pet peeves so i don't do them -he laughed- and well yeah basics really ,to be honest i would have asked one of the boys but they'd just shopped for  themselves and well i need help from you anyway like you know her style 'i said
'Come on then lets go '

Cleos POV

We walked to shops she liked and well he out did himself after about two hours of buying or looking at stuff we decided to go for food

We sat outside of fro-yo and ate what we bought
'Thank you Cleo ,like so much ' he said
'stop its fine ,she deserves you im happy ' i said
We spoke about stuff and then i drove us to mine and kehlanis so he could get stuff ready

I made her bed and the sprinkled rose petals over the bed and then he walked in
'Hold crap cleo ,this looks ' he said as he put his arm around my shoulder
we put her presants he got her at the foot of her bed ,a couple of nike tops ,a pair of sliders cos she said she wanted some and her favourite perfume which not gonna lie costed alot of money but he still bought it

I was ready to leave the house because i didnt want to be third wheel and plus i was going to meet nick

'GOOD LUCK Z ' I shouted

I pulled up at the pm house and knocks to be welcomed by a very smiley Edwin

'hey bestiee ' i said as we walked in
'hey Cleo you okay 'he said
'Yeah you '
'Yeah '
I made my way over to the couch to we nick playing fortnite on the TV
'Hey wanna go out to eat ' I said
'Aint you stuffed ' he said and he seemed in a mood
'what do you mean ' i said Confused
'I see all these accounts of you and Zion and the ships ,i then get a message of youse out today eating fro yo ,i mean youse are close ,you could be fucking for all i know and im here running after you like a lap dog and your loving it ' he said now standing up shouting which caused Edwin to feel uncomfortable
'Imma be upstairs 'Edwin said walking up the stairs
'STAY' we both said in unison

'I aint gonna be treated like this when i havent done anything wrong ,i went to help him get stuff so he could ask k out ,but you wouldnt know that cos you jump to conclusion, i came over here straight away ' i shouted

'okay whatever but still i see you close with all the boys ,i mean aint like we go out or anything but still dont play with me  ' he said and i started to walk to the front door

'Fuck you nick , no we don't go out -i laughed-  , dont call me  ,not until you sort yourself out and realise that i dont want anyone else but you since from the start  , and come to think of it i am stuffed' i said and i walked out the house and got in my car and drove off to the nearest car park and i cried
It hurt , christ i liked him so much ,we werent together  but my heart hurt ,like a sharp pain.

I went home as k texted me that it was okay for me to go home and that she said yeah to going out with z

'Hey babe are you okay ' she said getting up walking towards me to hug
'Yeah im okay imma just go bed ,dont worry bout me ,ill have headphones ,and congratulations' i said

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