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One month later


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Cleo.baby: i might move back😊💗
Blair:yeses i love our time together
Elma.: missed you girl


249,296 likes Blair: my cousin>>>>>❤👯

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Blair: my cousin>>>>>❤👯

I've been in Texas for a good month now, i dont know what it was but i just couldn't face going home .

We was going out to get food when k called me


Hey i know i keep calling but when are you home
I dont know yet k/ im thinking i might move back to Texas
Stop you cant leave me were in this together
Well i just dont know right now and when i have the answer you'll be the first to know
Okay but your okay yeah
Yeah im fine i miss you so much
Same i feel weird not seeing you this long
Ill be back soon dont worry
Okay well ill let you go
Okay bye love you
Love you too

The call ended and it made me realise how much hurt i was putting her through, i missed her like hell, she made me so happy when i was down and in all honesty i feel horrible without her even though i had Blair

'Wanna go dairy queen' Blair asked making me come out my thoughts
'Yeah okay i need some ice cream' i said looking out the window

We went on and ordered ice cream and waffles and sat and ate it

The next day i decided to go back home, to LA

I was gonna surprise k and so i needed a few of the boys in on it, so i messaged z


Hey z err im coming home today can you make sure k aint indoors i want to surprise her
Yeah your lucky shes in the shower otherwise she would have seen this message and wooo your coming home
Wow yeah never thought of that okay well thanks and yeah ive missed you all
where you doing the surprise your or my house
Mine obviously
He aint gonna be there
It dont matter just its gonna be at mine
Okay well see you soon 😊

i got packed and then i went home


I was JD and i bought some tops for k , i wanted to say sorry for being gone too long, i then we t along to Victoria secret and got her some new sprays and then went home

I made it home and no one was there, i set things up amd then called her


You alright
Yeah i suppose
Where you whats wrong
na just bored you dont understamd how weird it feels not seeing you
Yeah where you going all i can here is moving and wind
Oh ha im getting in the car me and z are going back to ours
Oh okay, my room better still be clean - i laughed-
Not a single mess has been made -she chuckled-
Okay well i dont know when ill be back but soon hopefully
Yeah alright miss you
I miss you too

The line went dead and then i just sat and waited for them to get back

Kehlanis POV

I walked in the house and it felt so different , like without Cleo
I went and sat on the sofa and then i see a shadow walk down the stairs
'Were out of shampoo' Cleo said holding the shampoo bottle
'CLEOOO' I ran up to her as she got to the bottom and hugged her
'Ive missed you so much ' she said hugging me
'Your real , your not leaving again ' i said holding her face and then i hugged her again

We got straight and then we sat and spoke

Cleo's POV

'Er i have to say something, like i cant leave it this long than ive already left it ' I said

kehlani and zions face sort of dropped

I stood up and lifted up my baggy top

'Your wait -' k tried to say but just cried
'Pregnant' Zion said

'yeah and i dont know what to do ' i said now crying
'Thats why youve been gone ' k said Which i nodded yes to
'Is it nicks ' Zion said

.... I nodded ....


'does he know ' Zion said
'You need to tell him ' they both said
'don't you think i know that, its why ive been gone, thinking what to do ' i cried
'Okay okay calm down ' he said
'Well sort this don't worry' k said hugging me

We sat and spoke about it more

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