The Start of Something Dangerous

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Thank you for giving my story a read! I have this story posted on But, this is my story I promise. Hope you all enjoy it as much I enjoy writing it.

"This is hospital buildings," Peggy said as she stopped inside the white brick building. Red lip stick painted the woman's lips in a courageous way and partially reminded Catherine of the Army Nurse Corps poster that used to hang in the diner she worked at.

Her accent was British and she sauntered around like there was nothing to ever apologize for. She was proud. Catherine could learn a thing or two.

She tried not to fiddle with her winter uniform. It was the first time she had worn the formal wear and it somewhat itched her. She pulled down on the bottom of the wool, olive drab jacket. It was uncomfortable, but she admitted it fit her figure well. Her brunette hair was in neat twists neatly at the nape of her neck and her face was nearly free of makeup. So, it wasn't hard to tell the young woman hadn't had a good night's sleep in quite a while.

Peggy motioned for Catherine to enter first. Having a building to work in rather than an array of tents connected together was definitely something new, but she wasn't about to complain. The building was chilly, but nothing compared to the freezing outside temperatures. She could get used to this.

She was immediately greeted by a younger looking woman, who grasped her hand with a quick shake and whisked her away. "I guess someone can show the barracks later," Peggy called after the retreating woman.

"Thank goodness you are here," the woman said as she ushered Catherine into a empty room handed off a nurses uniform. "We have been understaffed immensely. Hurry and get changed." The woman left Catherine standing there, a bit taken back.

She obliged and stripped from her service wear. Duty calls, she thought to herself as she pulled on the working uniform and hurried out of the room.

"Everything is going to be alright," she murmured to the moaning man as she lifted up his shirt. Finding a spot on his stomach that had enough fat, she grabbed the morphine tube off of the tray and uncapped it. She pinched together the skin surrounding the area and then pushed the needle into him.

The soldier would be out within a few good minutes. The morphine, mixed with his exhaustion would knock him out, and hopefully give her enough time to work on him. She pinned the syrette to man's shirt, so that others would not offer him anymore of the drug, and hurried off to gather some bandages and ointment.

There were severe burns running along the man's face and down his neck. Caught in a blast, apparently. Catherine had seen worse, but if he wasn't bandaged up, it wouldn't heal properly.

By the time Catherine was told to end her shift she was exhausted. With less nurses working in the building, more things had to be done. She exited the building with her formal uniform neatly folded and in her arms. Sleep was the only thing on her mind, but for that to happen, she first had to know where exactly her bunk was.

Catherine let out a deep sigh and thought back to the building she was in, when she first arrived. She trudged in the direction she believed she came from. Someone there could show her the way. She considered asking another nurse, but didn't want to be bother. Everyone inside seemed busy.

Eventually, Catherine came upon buildings which she assumed were barracks. She stopped, pursed her lips and glanced around the area for someone to speak to. A few men sat around a few logs and were dealing out cards, maybe they could help.

How naive of her to think that.

"Excuse me," she called out as she neared the men. The group paused and glanced up at her.

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