Chapter 21 - The Sun Also Rises

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I try not to freak out or cry after reading the text about her being the vampire sacrifice. "Call Noah, he'll help." Ares says. "I know but.... he's already worried and has a lot to do." I tell him. "Just call or I will." Ares says and I know from the undertone that he is very serious. I call Noah and he picks up on the second ring. "Hey Elle, everything okay?" Noah asks sounding bored. " Klaus had Jenna as the vampire sacrifice. I.... can you help her?" I ask him, not really wanting to cause any trouble between him and his brothers. "I.... of course. Go home, she'll be there soon. I promise." Noah says hesitating a little and I almost tell him not to do anything but I love Jenna and she's the little family I have left. It's selfish but I can't handle loosing another person. "Thank you. Please be careful." I say wishing there was another way to do this. "Don't worry Elle. I'll be careful." Noah says and I can tell he's worried about how this will work out. "You better. And.... if it's necessary don't hesitate to do... well do anything." I tell him wanting him to defend himself but also not wanting the others to get hurt. "Even if it means hurting your friends?" Noah asks after a pause and I hesitate. "Yeah, just don't kill them." I tell him knowing they won't hesitate. "Okay. You know I never thought you, who's always protective of the people you love even if they are idiots; would tell me that I should hurt them." Noah says and I know that even though he wants to pass it off as a joke he's serious. "Yeah well, they aren't the only ones I have to protect now. You're..... you're my family now and I'd rather you don't die at their hands or just in general." I say finally being able to admit it. It's very odd that admitting this feels like a big thing to do. "I have a new family now, I would rather not die as well." Noah says and I can tell he's smiling. "See you soon then?" I ask for some reassurance. "Yeah. See you." Noah says and I cut the call.

I go back to where everyone is and Ares looks towards me. I give him a small smile. Noah said to go home but I promised Arya that I'll stay. "Everything okay?" Felix asks. "Not really. Don't worry though, I'm sure it'll be fine." I tell him. "It's okay if you have to go." Arya assures me. "I promised I would stay." I remind her. "I know but I have everyone here and she needs you more." Arya says. I give her a confused look since I know Ares didn't say anything. "I have heightened senses too you know." Arya replies and I give her a smile. "Call me if you need anything." I tell them and everyone nods. "Elle, take some blood bags for her. Noah stores them in our room." Ares tells me and I nod. I take a car and first drive to get the blood bags. I reach soon and I'm pretty sure I was over speeding too much. I get a few blood bags and get back in the car. I drive home and put the bags in the refrigerator before sitting on the couch and waiting. After sitting for a few minutes, I get a little impatient. I decide to make something for Jenna since food helps with cravings and also because it would take my mind off things. After I make Mac and Cheese, I sit down at the counter and try to resist the urge to call Noah.

Noah's Point Of View:

As Elle cuts the call, I sigh debating on what to do next. Who can I turn that won't be missed? Obviously someone who doesn't have a family but I don't have time to research. I wish I could just use one of the Salvatores or even one of their friends but it's already chaotic enough and we don't need to add fuel to the fire. I look around and see a guy near an alley who looks way too suspicious, it's like fate. I speed up behind him and debate for a few moments before grabbing him and giving him vampire blood. I snap his neck and then speed off with him. Hopefully there isn't too much talk about this. I reach the Quarry where the ritual is going to take place and see that Jenna is feeding on the witches blood before the witch pushes her back and conjures a fire circle. The doppelganger is trying to calm her but she herself seems to be going mad. I almost feel bad for her...... almost. I drag the boy I have with me towards Jenna. I remove the fire circle around Jenna and I can feel Nik's witch is trying to stop me. As if she could, young witches are so arrogant. "Hello Jenna. Come on, time to leave." I tell her. She looks at me confused as I offer her my hand. "What are you doing brother?" I hear Nik's voice ask from behind me. "This doesn't affect you Nik. We will finish the ritual tonight." I tell him not in the mood to argue or play his little games. "Jenna don't trust him." The doppelganger shouts from her place as I grab ahold of Jenna and lift her up.

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