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She couldn't believe it...she got out. The blazing sun nearly blinded her as she stepped out, and the bright blue of the sky amazed the girl. The fields around her where emerald green, seeming to be like a great ocean, the rolling hills like waves.

But she had no time to admire this. She had to run. Snapping out of her small trance, she ran. The only thing keeping her flaming red curls from getting in her face was a black hood, which shadowed her face. The hood then spread out into a cloak, which billowed out like a flag whipping in the wind.

She heard yelling behind her, but she didn't risk looking back. Her footfalls were silent, and sure footed as she ran through the wide expanse of fields. The plains were interrupted suddenly by a thick forest, mostly pines. The girl leaned against the thick trunk of an ancient oak, stretching her aching legs.

However, she kept pushing on. This time, only a brisk jog. Unlike others by now, her breaths weren't ragged and uneven. They matched her beating heart. Several stolen seraph blades bounced against her hip in their leather sheaths.

The suns rays leaked through the canopy, tracing interesting patterns of gold on the forest floor. The girl was now walking, a thin layer of sweat forming above her brow. Where now?

Anywhere but there is better. That dreaded place.

That dreaded place called the Wayland Mansion.

For years, she had been locked in the cellar of that sin filled place. She was hardly fed, only tested on and trained ruthlessly. If she was a regular shadowhunter, she would of been dead by now.

But shes not normal…

Finally exhausted, The redhead slumped down beside a small silvery stream that flowed in between a trees wide roots. Greedily she cupped the glittering water in her hands, and sipped it like her life depended on it.

Cuts snaked up and down her arms, as well as angry purple bruises that dotted her skin carelessly. The remains of her last beating. With gritted teeth, she bleakly remembered the burning of the whip, his perfectly placed punches, and his angry words being hissed into her ears.

When she got the chance, she would kill that man. And his devil of a son to.

Those gruesome Morgensterns.


She was walking again. No real destination, just away. Far enough so they won't see the rune she planned to make.

The trees just got thicker and thicker, until the girl couldn't see the stars anymore. Her feet ached painfully, but she knew she shouldn't stop. Carefully, she pulled out her stele, which gleamed oddly in the faded moonlight. Selecting a random tree, she climbed up as high as she could, ignoring the rough bark as it created more scratches on her battered arms.

Away. Freedom. Escape.

These words drove her on, as she climbed higher. Sitting on a sturdy branch, she touched the stele to the bark, tracing a rune she knew would work.

She created it, anyways.

A bright blue portal blossomed from under her fingertips, shaping itself into a wide oval, just big enough for her to crawl through. But...where does she want to go?

She remembered a small postcard that she once saw. Towering buildings, and bustling streets of many people. She tried her best to create this image in her head. Sucking in a deep breath of the earthy air, she let herself fall through the portal.

She had never used a portal before. It fizzed around her, wrapping her up as the world under her seemed to shatter.

Now, a grey like color replaced the mud brown of the bark, and unlike the undergrowth, it hurt as she skidded onto it. Carefully, the girl got up.

She was free….

Tall buildings surround the streets, like giant concrete guardians, protecting the city. The sunset glowed in the windows, making one building almost seem orange. She noticed that the air here wasn't as clean either.

There were people everywhere. The didn't take notice of her, probably because of the glamour that doesn't let them see many other things.

She pushed through the growing crowd, and turned to an alley. She leaned against the wall, thinking.

She was vulnerable here. She didn't know her way around, she didn't know anybody, and...she was afraid.

Afraid they might find her again.

Those people never gave her a name. She was always called 'it', or 'she', and occasionally 'angel'.

She scowled at the thought. But then her features soften, as she realized she forgot her own name. The one her mother gave her.

Her fists were clenched and white knuckled, fingernails digging into the palm of her hand. She wanted to punch something, with all the locked up hatred and neglect that hid in her heart. She wanted to kill that man.



With a small groan, she pushed herself off the wall. She had no real world experience, partly because she was locked in a musty cellar for her whole life, until now. This was all Valentines fault.

Valentine. The name rolled off her lips like a lingering poison, dripping into the air like a dangerous gas. It was his fault she rarely saw sunlight. Rarely had human contact.

Stop. That was the past. She should look forward.

But how does she do that?

The nameless girl kept walking, slightly breathless. The city progressed to get more darker, the shadows from the great buildings creeping out to the street. Slowly.

She walked faster, swiftly avoiding contact with the scurrying mundanes. Like her, they were all headed for shelter. Well, except for the fact that the girl wasn't sure where shelter was.

It got darker. She became nervous. She knew what came with dark, demons. But she was prepared. Valentine himself trained her, hoping that she might become a super soldier. But he already had his demon boy, so why did he need the angel girl?

But everyone knows light can overpower dark. But only the right light. The soft light that welcomes you every day in the morning would be swallowed, while the blazing flames of heavenly fire would vanquish the shadows in seconds.

Shadows where persistent though. They had an unknown source of power, and alway kept coming.


Nameless let her instincts guide her. She hobbled on, putting one foot in front of the other on the cracked sidewalk. Sadly, she could barely see the stars past the smog, her only comfort.

They represented hope.

She walked up the street, and peered up. Nameless saw tall spires that towered past all the other buildings. Squinting, she made sure she was actually seeing it.

It was too far though. Her body was aching and burning, as her sweat dripped down her back onto the raw whip marks.

Just two minutes..

Nameless slumped down beside a planter, the pavement wonderfully cold.

Maybe three….

Her eyelids where heavy, like led. She felt them flutter shut over her bright green eyes.

Maybe just-

Nameless's breath evened, and she felt herself slip away into darkness.


I hope you enjoyed, and excited for the next chapter :3 Feel free to comment, I like feed back and constructive critism. Most of it is prewritten, so I will update alot. I usually use Fanfiction, so tell me if there is any mistakes :3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2014 ⏰

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