•chapter one•

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*ring ring ring ring*
it's the morning bell, indicating i need to attend class. i'm new at this school and it's my first day, and i don't really know anyone except the teachers.  i walk in to my class which is an english lesson and then i get trampled on from behind and it's because everyone is fussing to get to there seats. i hear the teacher clap her hands and say "silence please, we have a new student and there name is Y/N." can someone please offer her a place to sit". i look around and see everyone already has someone they are sitting next two. "come on, can anybody offer her a seat."
there's a boy at the back who stood up and raises their hand, but he doesn't say a word and had a very blank face. "thank you" said the teacher with a very relieved voice. I thought to myself "he probably just feels bad for me, as i'm new" so i go over to him, pull the chair out from next to him, and i sit down. he was sitting on the window side, gazing out looking at the school field. i reach into my bag to get my pencil case out but i have a really weird sensation that i am being watched. so i look around the class room but no one is, so i get out my pencil case very slowly and put it on the desk in front of me. when i look to my left i see that the boy is, after all, looking at me, without even blinking so then i ask him "are you okay?" and he responds with "yeah, i'm okay" then looks away, but for some reason his mouth didn't move however it felt somewhat normal so i didn't question it. As the lesson went on nothing strange really happened except from the fact that the boy didn't even make a sound the whole time, even when we had to have a group discussion. Anyway, by the end of english lesson the bell went, meaning it was time for the next lesson before brake, unfortunately the rest of that day i didn't see him. except at the end of lunch when his friend were harassing him about something. And once again i couldn't here him talk, not once. When i got home i had a look on my phone as i got a lot of phone numbers and social media account from some people at school today, but i cant stop thinking about that boy that i sat next to in english class. He was so attractive and slightly different to anyone else i know.
The next day, i went to school as usual but i definitely tried to look my best to impress this boy whom i don't even know the name of yet. i went to your english class as the bell rang and i saw him again and sat down next to him, this time i tried to have a conversation with him "hey, good morning" i said nervously as he looked at me slightly confused, "good morning, y/n" he replied. i thought - "wow he remembered my name, i feel weird asking for his name now. oh well i will ask him anyway". "soo, urm, what's your name." i said a bit to fast, "I'm saiki-k, u can call me saiki", he responded with confidence. "oh okay thank you, saiki." i smiled and then he looked away and started writing, so i just done the same. The lesson was about to end, whilst everyone is sorting out there bags getting ready to leave, i  hear someone from the front of the class shout "saiki, Y/N" i don't know who said it but im going to put my bag on then follow the very deep loud voice. saiki followed you to them. i arrive at the people who called my name and they invite me to a sushi restaurant after school.
"nice to meet you Y/N, i'm Nendo" says nendo in his very low voice.
"ah nice to meet you to Nendo!" i say happily.
"no." said saiki whilst walking away,
"wait, what. your coming" " this is a celebration to welcome y/n" "we can get pudding" said nendo trying to persuade Saiki.
saiki rushes over "i'm coming" he says with a smile on his face, exited for the pudding.
the bell rings and i say by too my hopefully new friend and carry on with the rest of the day, at lunch time i got the courage to try and talk to saiki, i actually look for him; for about 10 minutes; and i end up finding him on the roof. Here is my conversation,
"hey, why are you up here"- "i'm pretty sure it's students not aloud" i say,
"what are you doing up here." he responds,
"okay i see how it is haha i asked you first" - me
"do you have any strange ability?" - Saiki
"pardon, can you repeat yourself?" - me
"i can't here your thoughts" -Saiki
"well i should hope not?" - i replied, i start to feel as if saiki is very unusual, which i  knew but i didn't think he was this strange.
"so you don't?" - Saiki answers
"no, well i can move my ears" i say trying to make him laugh, and you see a slight smirk, it makes you giggle.
"so your up here because?" i ask him,
"it's too loud down there" he said whilst sitting down on the edge of the roof, i sit next to him as you felt kind of rude not to.
"can we be friends" i say to him. he doesn't respond to me, so i say "it's okay if not it's just because i'm a bit new here and i feel a bit lonely" and he responded with "i know how you feel" which i don't  really understand but i am glad he opened up to me even the slightest, as people around the school talk about how "he had no emotions" and "he ignores everyone", but i don't see him that way, he was somewhat a part of me, even though i haven't talked a lot also i've only known him for like two days, why do i feel like this? oh well, i just go with it. you both sit there for a while just looking into the distance i check my watch and there is only 5 minutes of lunch left so i turn to saiki and say "should we both head down now as we don't have long left until next lesson"
"okay~" he says. we both get of the edge and i trip over something after jumping off then he catches me, i stair into his purple-like eyes and it's 5 seconds but it seems like a decade. his lifts you up and i say "thank you", but he doesn't respond he looks me up and down checking if i was hurt, which i wasn't.

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