3. Hope World

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"희망적 vibe"

Yoongi noticed Hoseok had been a little down since that night, he had no clue why and was curious about the whole ordeal. "Hoseok?" His voice broke the silence, glancing at the other who was sitting on Yoongi's leather couch, his phone in his hand. The light on the screen created a glare on Hoseok's glasses. 

"Hm?" He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose and raised his eyebrow.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"What happened on the night you met me? You've been unhappy ever since, I can see it." Said Yoongi. He watched the raven haired male slowly set his phone on the couch. His facial expression told Yoongi that there was definitely something up, he was thinking. He sat silent on the couch for a good moment before finally looking at the older one.

"My mother, she's sick. I went to see her that night at the hospital, she's not in good condition." He explained, his tone of voice was much quieter than usual and Yoongi could feel the sadness in his voice. "I'm just...hoping she'll be able to pull through."

"I'm really sorry about that. Is there any way I can cheer you up?" 

"Being with you makes me happier, you don't have to do anything for me." He replied honestly. Yoongi had never heard those words from someone before, the look on his face was a look of slight shock. No one had ever told him something as nice as that. "Actually why don't we go out and get some ice-cream or something?" He suggested suddenly, since they'd been sitting around watching television for a few hours already. "We can walk around and get to know each other more, even if we've already been friends for a couple months. I know you haven't been out in a few days." 

"Sure." The blonde gave a delighted look. He'd love to get to know Hoseok better. He seemed like someone who'd stay by his side, no matter what.


"What else do you like to do?" Hoseok beamed. He was sitting beside Yoongi on the bench at the park, holding his ice-cream cone. The two looked like opposites, Yoongi was wearing black and Hoseok was wearing white. The park was filled with adults and their children, running rampant throughout the wood chips. Laughter and shrieks filled the air along with the comforting aroma of a barbeque nearby. The grass and trees were lush and green from all the rain and the sun was out, making everything warm with a golden hue.

"I play basketball sometimes." Yoongi bit into the ice-cream cone, kicking a pebble away from the bench.

"Are you good at it?"

"Surprisingly I am even though I'm shorter than most, I used to play it a lot in high school since I was on the team. I'd stay after school to practice too." He answered, now rolling another pebble under his shoe. "Do you do anything else besides work and dance?" He gave a small chuckle.

"Not really." Hoseok leaned back against the wooden bench. "I haven't been as busy as I normally am lately, which is actually really relaxing. Working as a business man is more difficult than it seems. I don't enjoy sitting, filling out paperwork, and staring at a computer all day but it's the only job that pays a decent amount near my house." He finished his ice-cream, throwing the napkin he was holding it with away. "I tend to get up and walk around when I'm at work, otherwise I'll fall asleep at my desk." He laughed.

"I make money with my music, but not a lot. It's been kind of hard paying for my apartment so Namjoon's helping me out."

"Oh really? I can help you too-"

"No need, I don't want to have to pay both you and Namjoon back."

"But what if I said you won't have to pay me back?"

"It's still too nice, I can't accept your offer." 

"If you say so." Hoseok let out another small laugh as he leaned back against the wooden bench again, holding his hand open to catch a leaf that had been falling off the tree next to the bench. 

"Do you have any siblings?"

"I just have a sister. She designs a lot of clothing as her job and actually, she's pretty successful. I'm proud of her even though she's older than I am. Do you have a sibling?"

"I only have a brother, he's really supportive of my music which is nice to have but he doesn't live near here." 

"Ah, my family lives about an hour or more from here. That's why I'm so worried about them." He smiled a little, looking at the ground and leaning forward slightly.  Yoongi stared at him, he couldn't help but worry for the other. He was becoming happier and happier ever since Hoseok had come around, even if they'd only been friends for a couple months now. He didn't think he'd ever been lifted from his sorrows by someone like that. He admired the fact that Hoseok stayed positive no matter what the situation was, even if things were difficult he was still smiling. Yoongi had grown to love the smiley male even if their personalities were the complete opposite, they still got along perfectly the moment they'd met. Hoseok was different than everyone else he'd met. He couldn't believe such a person could exist to make him as happy as he were knowing Hoseok. Even if he didn't show his excitement or happiness, it was still in his heart, he still felt it around the raven haired male. Hoseok was someone Yoongi could focus on. The feeling he got in his heart and stomach when Hoseok came around was something unforgettable, something he hadn't felt for some years. He wanted to make the other just as happy as Hoseok made him, it was a nice feeling. It was a feeling he could easily get used to, something he didn't feel very often. He adored it just as he already adored and cherished his friendship with Hoseok. 

There was something about Hoseok that inspired Yoongi. He'd been writing lyrics when Hoseok wasn't around, he was already half-way through producing a new album. Every time he saw Hoseok smile or laugh, it was like he fell in love all over again. It was easy for him to give into the other's smile. He couldn't believe what he felt and sometimes he'd deny it. He'd shake his head at himself but he didn't know how to stop the feeling. He couldn't stop something that he wasn't used to. He didn't know what it meant but at the same time, he knew it like the back of his hand.

Happiness came at a price, always.


Nearly 3 AM and Yoongi couldn't think of a single lyric to complete his new song. He'd been laying on the carpet with his eyes closed for hours. He was thinking. The light was off but there were fairy lights hung around shelves, which were plugged in. They were gold, and lit up the dark room nicely. His desk was cluttered with papers, CDs, pens and pencils, and notebooks with some album cover art inside. All his thoughts were piled in the drawers and on top of that desk. The room was silent, thoughts filling it. 

He could spend twenty hours working or twenty hours thinking, it was never both. Some days he couldn't write a single lyric down, while other days he'd already began producing a song. It was hard for him to understand but sometimes, his mind didn't cooperate. Or, some days he'd spend hours napping instead. 

He rolled over, letting out a long sigh and furrowing his eyebrows with disappointment in himself. He laid there for a long while before suddenly sitting up, he walked on his knees towards his desk, pushing himself forcefully onto his chair and grabbing a pencil swiftly, clicking the top multiple times to get the lead to come out.

"That's it. A hopeful vibe." He wrote the last few words down on a piece of paper. "That's the last lyric." He spoke to himself. "Finally." 

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