New nickname - 2

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Me and Josie had gotten up early this morning to pull a prank on Ryan. It was dead silent in the house except Ryan's loud snoring and our silent giggles.
"Have you got the water," I whisper to Josie across the other side of the kitchen.
"Yeah have you set it up yet." She whispers back over her shoulder.
I give her a big thumbs up and we make our way to Ryan's door. We jumped over the plastic wrap at the bottom of the door and get ready to make a run for it once Josie pours the water on him.

She counts down with her fingers and on the last count she tips a full jug of water all over Ryan. We both run out of the room and jump back over the plastic wrap and run back towards the kitchen. We wait behind a wall and peek out just to see Ryan run out and trip over the plastic wrap. The both start laughing and wait till he gets up. I have a horn in my hand and just as he reached us I press the button to scare him and Josie pushes him back into a toddler pool pull of whipped cream.
"Eww what the hell you guys." He says wiping it off his face. Me and Josie stood there laughing until Ryan reaches out of the pool and pulls us both in by our hands.
We all burst into a hysterical laughter and try getting up out of the pool. Me and Josie manage to get out first and once Ryan gets out we both push him back in and make a run for it. I race to my room and Ryan follows Josie into theirs.

I grab some clothes out of my cupboard and make my way into the bathroom to have a shower.
I stand under the steamy water and shave my legs to perfection Then wash my hair. Once I get out of the shower I get dressed and do my hair into a braid. And then do my makeup

As normal I walked to the kitchen and grabbed an apple

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As normal I walked to the kitchen and grabbed an apple.
Ryan needed to do a few things with the gang before school so Josie was coming with me on my bike. "Let's go bitch," I call out as I walk towards the frond door. She runs after me and I chuck her my spare helmet. She jumps on behind me and I start up the engine and race out of our driveway.
"Slow down you crazy bitch," she screams over the wind. I decide to have some fun with her and sped up a little until she's nearly squeezing the life out of me. I slow down and let out a silent laughter. Josie has always hated motorbikes. Her dad was the one who taught me how to ride it. He always loved teaching me because Josie was always too scared to learn.
He was always a father figure to me. I never knew what happened to my father.

We pulled up to the schools parking lot and I parked in my usual spot. She took off her helmet and I put it in the compartment and locked it after we got our bags out. "Lets go," I say as she trails behind me. "I'm never riding with you again," she says.
"Oh come on it wasn't that bad."

"Yes it was, I could of fallen off and died," she says dramatically.
I stop and look at her before we both burst into laughter.
"Race you too the lockers," I call out after getting a head start.
"Hey, no fair," she says but she turns a corner and takes a short cut. I was about to turn the corner when I run head first into something really hard. I fall back and land on my butt.
"What the hell," I say.

"Omg, I'm so sorry coco," I hear someone say. I soon compose myself after what just happened and look up to see one of the most gorgeous guys I have ever seen, he was kind of a nerd and he had glasses but He had the most prettiest greeneyes and neat brown hair and the most perfect jaw ever. He had an extremely sexy voice that was deep and raspy.
He helped me up from the floor and asked again it I was ok.
"Oh yeah I'm fine," I say and brush off some dust.
"How come I've never seen you before," I say with a confused look trying to remember if I've seen him.
"Oh i like to stick to myself, I'm a bit of a nerd I'm normally in the study hall."
That explains it then.
"Oh ok," I nod and walk around him making my way to the lockers.

"I new you were slow but not that slow," Josie says leaning against her locker with a cigarette.
"I got caught up," I say taking the cigarette out of her hand. I puff out the smoke in her face and she takes a step away.
I hand it Back and grab my stuff out of my locker. "I'm going to head to class catch you later," I say with a small wave.
I wanted to find this mysterious man I had to know more about him. It was still a little early and he was walking the way of the study hall so I decided to check it out.

I walked in and saw him sitting with one of his nerd friends and decided to go say hi. I'd never been the person to talk to people other then people in my gang but there was something about him that made me want to talk to him.

"Hey," i say chucking my stuff next to his friend and sitting down.
They both got a fright and his friend almost looked frightened of me.
"Omg a girl is talking to us," his friends whispers to him across the table but I heard him clearly.
"Oh ugh hi" mysterious man says While ignoring his friend.
"You know I never got your name, and you also never told me how you knew mine," I say while ignoring the stares from his friend.
"My names josh, and I'm pretty sure everyone knows your name." He says shyly.
I didn't really think people payed much attention to me but or we'll.
"Right, well what class do you guys have next," I say looking between the two of them. "We have biology." Josh answers because his friend was still at a loss of words.
"Oh really so do I, Ive never seen you there," I say a bit shocked because I don't know how I would of missed his face.
"Yeah well you kind ditch a lot, your always pulling pranks with Josie."
"Oh yeah."
He was right I did only realise now how much I skip that class.
"Well I'll be in class today and we're not pulling a prank," I say and I was nearly certain he sighed with relief.
"Maybe we can walk together,"I say as I look at the time on my phone.
"We should be heading to class now anyway,"

"Yeah sure," josh says while collecting his stuff.
I go to wait for them outside when I catch his friend saying something. "She so pretty," he says.
I smile and try listen to see if josh agrees but he doesn't and I can't help but feel a little sad.

"Let's go,"I say while putting my cigarette out once they walk out of the study hall.
We walked in silence to the biology room and Josie was already there waiting. She had a confused look on her face but I just gave her a look as if I'll tell her later. She nods and follows me into the room. I see josh go to sit down at the front of the room but I grab his arm and drag him to the back so he can sit with me and his friend on the other side of him. Josie sits next to me and pulls out a bit of paper and scribbles something and then throws it at me. I unfold it to see that she had written
"He's cute ;)" I laugh at her and reply with ik that's why I had so held up this morning. She laughs and reaches over to tap josh on the shoulder. "So your josh right," she says. And he shyly nods. He's probably scared of Josie she comes of meaner then she really is.
"And who are you," she says looking over at his friend. "Oh I'm S...sam," he stutters.

"You don't need to be nervous Josie is like a teddy bear," I say while squishing her cheek.
"Am not," she glares at me but I laugh in reaction.

The rest of the day flew by and I was dying for my favourite cupcake so I decided to stop at a cafe on the way home. Josie had gotten a ride home with max since Ryan was caught up all day and she didn't want to ride with me.

"I'll have a double choc chip muffing with strawberry frosting please," I asked once I reached the server. I turned around to sit down and wait when I saw josh sitting there with the exact same muffin I had just ordered.
"Wow stealing my favourite cupcake are we," I say. He looks up in surprise and I slide into his booth. " Heheh nah it's my favourite as well," he replies nervously.
I giggle and his nervousness, I love how I make him nervous.
"Well I now have a new nickname for you," I say with a smirk.
"What is it," he replies.
"Cupcake," i say as I wipe some of my frosting of my cupcake I had just gotten on his nose.
I grab the rest of my cupcake and go to leave.
"Later cupcake," I call over my shoulder and he just shakes his head and laughs his amazing laugh.

I'd gotten home a while ago and was laying in bed but all I could think about was josh. I felt like he had this weird spell over me and he was making me go soft.

I fell asleep eventually wish josh still on my mind.

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