Our first "Date"

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"Oh fuck me. . ."

Today was the day of not just our first date but also the day one of my good friends was going to meet him. I thought about doing my makeup but what was the point if it wasn't just me and him. To top it all off it was cold as hell that day. I had on about two layers. Yoga pants and my favorite sweats. 

"Fuck it. It's cold as shit and I'm not about to try and impress him."

It was roughly about 10:00am and I had started walking over to my friends house just to make sure she was ready to go.  I was about half way out the door before she texted me.

"Bitch I ain't ready yet, just meet me by the Cicero stop"

"Ya of course she ain't ready."

"Let me see if this dude ready yet."

He said he'll leave once I'm at the train since he lives right their. Alright that's one out of two. I can't stand when females wanna take day and night to get ready. This is my day. Your just here for support. 

I managed to get to the train stop and so did Jackie. 

"How tf is this boy not here yet!"

About  a good five minutes went by before I seen this dark and not to mention mighty fine man steps out of the train"

"I thought you said he was Puerto Rican!"

"Girl no! Your thinking of my FRIEND!"

She herself was shocked to see he was black. She didn't want to admit it but that was okay cause her face said it all. 


I said that shit so weirdly. But I had a conversation with him before letting him know 'Hey my friend is gonna be with us so I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable.' 

Their wasn't much conversation cause it was uncomfortable for all of us. It really wasn't till we go on the train that things didn't go as planned. Right as we got on we all sat in different spots cause as agreed I didn't want to make Jackie uncomfortable. As soon as I noticed he sat across from me I got pissed. But why would I get mad if I told him to treat today like a hangout with friends. Cause I liked him and wanted fucking attention that's why. So I looked at him with a bit of a angry face.

"What are you doing?"

He was so confused but listened to me instantly when I pated the seat inviting him to sit next to me. 

"I thought you wanted me to sit across from you?"

"I change my mind."

I asked Jackie what stop we where getting off at and she completely forgot. 


"Are you sure?"

"It's my uncles restaurant! Why wouldn't I know?"

"Alright, whatever you say."

We got off at Damen and just as I expected it was the wrong stop.

"Oh wait" As she proceeded to laugh. Which actually pissed me off cause I was hungry. A hungry female is never pretty. "We where supposed to get off at Washington."

"Are you serious?!" 

I was cold, angry, and hungry. Guess this man is about to get to see that one year in side of me today. 

Finally! We made it to the Washington stop. Now we have to walk for a good twenty minutes. We start heading down the stairs by the platform and I feel this aggressive tap on my shoulder. What tf does Shawn want. I looked over my shoulder and their he is. Bent down in the most awkward position with his big lips in the shape of an O. Well I guess this is how out first kiss is gonna happen. I quickly gave him a peck and looked down only to see Jackie looking at us. Well I wasn't expecting to get caught. 

We walked downtown only to end up getting lost. Cause of fucking course we did. Shawn had stopped us both and asked for the address. Before we knew it we had finally made it. It was this cozy looking pub that seemed more like a family restaurant. I seen a booth table available and rushed right to it. Shawn sat next to me and part of me wanted to tell him to sit on the other side but he kept his distance so I wasn't complaining. We got our food and it was very quiet so Jackie decided to start up some small talk but it wasn't really going anywhere. She seemed more nervous than I was and I didn't understand why. 

"Ima go to the bathroom before we pay'."

Once Jackie had gone to the bathroom I felt a warm hand creep around my waste. I couldn't help but to feel a million different emotions at once. He placed his chin over my shoulder and the feel of his beard was very relaxing. It wasn't long till I heard him say "turn around". I quickly realized he had taken this opportunity to give me a real kiss. It was in that moment that I realized my small lips and his big lips had zero correlation. But it was ok cause I didn't care at the moment. 

Jackie had finally returned and she can tell something changed when she seen his hand around me. 

"Alright let's get the check"

The waitress had brought out the check and I noticed something. The original price was marked off and she wrote a new one. Well I guess someone thinks we are just a couple dumb teenagers. We just gave her the money she wrote since we knew this would be her last day. 

As we walked back to the train Shawn seen a seven-eleven and had the idea to walk inside. I looked at Jackie and told her to wait here. I walked inside and started to spy on him. "What tf is he buying that's so important?" I noticed that he grabbed a pack of mints and I became so confused. I walked back out and waited for him. 

He threw back a few mints and part of me wondered why does he needs that many. 

Fast forward to the the train ride home I noticed he smelled like dove and I mean like a dove bar. Stick a little water on him and he'll form bubbles. Yes, it was really that strong. No it didn't bother me but I wondered if he didn't rinse properly or that was just how he smelled. Either way I didn't give a rats ass. I had my dove man and that was that. 

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