hat night Kall fell asleep in his wife's arms, but not before he had thoroughly tired himself out with all his crying. As soon as he fell asleep his wife put him down and began to initiate all the changes. First came the moving of all the guest furniture from the guest bedroom to the garage, after that began the renovation. Now for most this would take days and not hours but for Kall’s wife, it was just a matter of contacting the right people.
Now before you try to imagine the scene, let me paint you a picture. First off there is a baby sleeping on the couch swaddled up so that he can't move and then a squat team of people runs into the house. But unlike a swat team, they make little to no sound. They run upstairs and began to tear everything apart whilst not making a sound. As soon as all the trash had been thrown out the window, the painting began. They set up fans and got to work, they moved at a speed that can only be explained with inhuman. It was as if there were after images coming from each and every one of them, filling the room until it looked like the whole room was filled with them.
After all this, then came getting all of the new furniture into the newly painted room. Again without a sound, they started to bring it all in. But considering how they brought everything in the last time, this time they had to outdo it. So this time every object had to be thrown in through the window. One by one they grabbed the furniture and threw it up to the men standing, waiting. After all, this was said and done they began to put everything together. But unlike everyone else, they went at super speed. When I say super speed I mean super speed, they got the entire nursery set up in 15:21. A world record in normal cases, and just like that they left without a sound. As if they had never been there in the first place.
That's when Kall’s wife went downstairs, picked up Kall and began carrying him upstairs. As soon as she reached the new nursery she placed him down in his new crib, kissed him on his head and said, “Glad you aren't smart enough to realize what truly happened to you, good night my ex-husband.”
Kall The Regressed
RandomOnce upon a time, there was a man named Kall. Now Kall was someone that you would call a pariah. This was mainly due to his size. Kall is about the size of a one-year-old, and yes I mean one year old. He has a rare disease called Falxacopia. Flaxaco...