For Me it isn't Over Yet

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Phoenix's POV

I crouched in the snow, behind a bush that had icicles hanging off of it. What was I doing crouched in the snow, my red silk and velvet dress perfectly soaked? Simple. I was spying on my former boyfriend and his new girlfriend. In other words, Jack and Elsa.

Elsa was wiping rotten apple off of her face, and Jack was helping as best as he could. When most of it was gone, he stood up and looked around angrily.

"Who threw that? Show yourself coward!" He shouted. I crouched lower and held my breath.

"Jack, it's ok. I'll go wash my face." I heard Elsa say.

"I'll come with you." He said.

"No, I'll be ok. It's not like I'm going to get abducted on the way to the napkins."

"Not funny Elsa." She had been abducted at the last dance she had gone to.

"You know what I mean. Pitch is behind bars. I'll be back in a flash." I saw Elsa stand and leave, leaving Jack alone on the bench. I waited until she was well out of sight, then backtracked a little and stood. Then I walked to Jack.

"Is this seat taken?" I asked, pointing at Elsa's spot. I didn't wait for an answer. I just sat down. We sat in silence for a moment.

"Nice night, isn't it?" I commented.

"Yeah." He said.

"The stars make the sky look like a powdered donut. One without much powder anyway." I joked. Jack just shrugged.

"What happened to your sense of humor? You used to laugh at everything." I asked Jack.

"What? Oh, I guess college does that to people." Jack said.

"Remember the time that you pretended that you were super moose? You ran around wearing a brown cape and two sticks for antlers. I think that's about when we met."

"Yeah, that's right. SM to the rescue!" We both laughed.

"And I was amazing loopy lizard. I had those red scales that I glued onto a cardboard tube for a tail, and I had that red scaly cape." I remembered.

"I thought that cape was so cool. Together, we were SMALL. That was probably the best month of my life." Jack admitted.

"It was a pretty close second of mine. Spending the days roaming the city, looking for ways to help."

"What was the best month of your life?"

"The one where you and I finally became officially boyfriend and girlfriend. The month of-"

"-December." We both said at the same time, then laughed again.

"Those were the days." Jack said, looking at me and grinning.

"How did you first ask me to go out with you? Wasn't it that circlet?" I asked, pretending not to remember.

"Yeah. It was made from that gold chain and a plastic red gem."

"I still have it. Actually, I have it right here." I looked through my little red purse and pulled out the circlet. It looked like a necklace, with its gold chain and teardrop shaped red gem.

"You still have that?" Jack asked, surprised.

"Of course. I loved it so much." I said.

"Could you help me put it on?" I asked. He accepted it and placed it on top of my hair, then admired it.

"It still looks beautiful. If anything, maybe even more." He said.

"It doesn't have to end. We can still be together, like nothing happened." I said softly. Jack looked into my eyes. He knew exactly what I meant. We could be together like nothing had happened. He leaned forward, like he was about to kiss me, then he reached a hand forward and brushed a strand of my hair behind my ear instead.

"I wish it was that simple." He sighed. I silently cursed. So close, yet so far.

"I... I'll see you later." I finally said. There was no way I could get back up to that point. I stood up and left, casting one last glance over my shoulder. Jack was still sitting on the bench, a very confused and worried look on his face. I continued walking, passing Elsa. She didn't even wave. Of course they didn't tell her about my part in the rescue. Why should they?

Whether she knew about me or not, we were at war. A war over Jack's love, and a war I refused to lose. After all, I had him first.

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