You Are The One For Me (Variti)

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Varun POV

I stood waiting in the lobby but there was still no sign of her. Then, I walked to my room. I was waiting for ten minutes and yet this girl still hasn't come!

"Batuklal," a voice shouted. I turned around and noticed Shraddha running to me.

"What was the emergency?" Shraddha said while rolling her eyes.

"Why were you late Chirkut, I've been waiting for ten minutes." I folded my arms and gave her a look which meant 'explain.'

"I was on rehearsal bablu," She said, looking annoyed. "You do know that we are shooting a dance film right."

"No I didn't," I shook my head, and made a blank face.

"Varun," she whined and hit me playfully. "I hate you!"

"Sorry," I apologised as I knew I was being rude and I needed her help.

"So what do you need help in?" Shraddha asked as we entered my hotel suite.

"Well, it's Kriti..." I started to speak.

"Oh my god..." she gasped as if something struck to her. "On the 18th of December 2015, you proposed to her and it was also the release date of your movie together and it is going to be 4 years. Wow!"

"I know and I want to propose to her and I am freaking out because it's only two months away!" I said nervously.

"Varun, this film is almost finished filming as this is the last shoot. You'll have plenty of time to think about." Shraddha said gently.

"You are right," I sighed.

"Wait! Is this a marriage proposal?" her eyes widened as it struck what I was trying to tell her.

"Yes, it is," I rolled my eyes.

"Oh my god that is so amazing," Shraddha squealed and hugged me tightly. "You want to get married."

I nodded and said, "I have been thinking about our relationship and I want to marry her."

"Don't worry we all will help," Shraddha assured me. "My two best friends do deserve a happy life together."

The thought of Kriti and I getting married always made me smile.

Kriti POV

"You miss him don't you?" Nupur came and took a seat next to me.

"Is it that obvious?" I questioned her with a smile.

"Well, for me it is because we are sisters and you are just staring at this photo," Nupur explained.

"Do you think he misses me?" I asked anxiously.

"Diiiii, stop acting like a possessive wife," Nupur said with an eye roll. She was clearly annoyed with me.

"A wife, that too a possesive one, we aren't married yet," I complained.

"Or a girlfriend. Whatever! This is going to be your fourth year dating and you both are crazy about each other. He started to date you cause he liked you but now He even said those three magical words, I love you to you. And right now he is with Shraddha for a movie shoot. Shraddha is Varun's and your's best friend and helped you get together. So stop acting like a typical possessive girlfriend because you are not one and Shraddha is not going to take him away from you cause she is dating another guy." Nupur said firmly.

"She is dating another guy," I said suspiciously as Shraddha never shared anything about it.

"Oh no," Nupur corrected herself and tried to pretend that she hadn't said that, "she isn't dating anyone so don't worry."

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