I Still Love You (Sidshra)

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Shraddha POV

"Ugh where is he?" I shouted as I was annoyed that good-for-nothing loser wasn't here and I have been waiting for the past ten minutes. Idiot! How dare he make me wait! Oh well I will just go.

Alia shook her head at me. I knew what she was thinking.

"You don't have to say that I'm impatient," I said with an eye roll.

"I wasn't planning on saying that," Alia chuckled. "Oh well, you said that for me so there is no need for me to say it."

"Then what Ms Bhatt," I gave her look to continue.

"Well, I was actually going to say that..." Alia started to speak.

"See I knew it," I cut her off amd smirked at her.

"But..." she continued.

"There's a but," I groaned. I knew she was going to give a lecture on something.

"Adi really likes you and he is so sweet to you, if he is a bit late give him a chance to explain," Alia said gently and I turned my attention to her.

"He's been a true friend to you and I think you should move on. What happened in the past is something I know you can't forget but that doesn't mean that Adi will hurt you like he did," Alia said firmly.

"I can't seem to get over it Alu," I sighed. "I'm trying, I swear I am. It's difficult for me. I loved him and he broke my heart."

"It's been an year since that happened," Alia held my hand and gave it a squeeze. "Look, I'm not forcing you into a relationship but I want you to move on and stop thinking about that traiter."

"Once again, you are right," my lips curved and I smiled at her gratefully.

"Ooo!" She exclaimed and pointed behind me. "Here he comes!"

She left and Adi approached me. I gave him a small smile.

"You wanted to meet me?" I asked him.

"Yeah, sorry I was late," he apologised.

"There better be a valid reason," I said and folded my arms.

"You won't be disappointed," he laughed and took out a bouquet of red roses and handed into me.

"Thank you," I gasped in pleasure and accepted the bouquet. Roses were my favorite!

"I know roses are your favourite flowers," Adi said sweetly and my smile disappeared.

"I'm sorry that I'm late," he said cutely holding his ears.

"You are always late," I complained. I was so annoyed at him being late. "This is the million time you have been late. Let me guess, spending time with that girl again."

"You know Jacqueline is just one of my closest friends," he said and wrapped his arms around me.

"Shut up," I snapped and tried to wriggle out of his arms but he wouldn't let go.

"I love it when you are jealous," he chuckled and pressed his lips against my forehead.

"Baby, I know she likes you," I said while glancing into his eyes.

"You'll never lose me," he said with a smile and hugged me more tightly.

A tear traced down my cheek as that memory played in front of me. I quickly ran away from Adi.


Author POV

"I'm sorry Shraddha," Alia said quietly. She felt guilty for Shraddha's condition. "I shouldn't have forced you to go and meet him."

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