{Hold This} Prompto x Reader

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Being friends with the prince has its pros and cons. One pro: friends with the prince. I get to go to cool parties, have a few privileges, get a royal discount on a few games and items. It's pretty cool.

One con: friends with the prince.
Girls at our school get really nasty and either want me to leave Noctis alone or to introduce them to him. And occasionally, a few foreign ambassadors mistaken us as the royal couple. Huge NO.

Pro: training with Gladio and Iggy!
I get to have free training sessions with the Prince's shield and advisor. Pretty cool since I am able to summon a few items. I'm still pretty rusty though...

Con: ...
Since I'm rusty...


"(Y/N)! Catch!" Gladio threw a broadsword at me to catch. I managed to grab the hilt with both hands, but I tumble downwards due to the sword's weight. The Bloodhorn rammed towards Gladio, who summoned his shield to block the attack.

"Cease this!" Ignis shouted as he used his polearm to high jump and stab the beast's top.

"Nice one, Iggy." Noctis warp strikes toward the back of the animal, hitting the rear. "Prompto, you're up."

"Got it!" The blond slid forward and stunned the Bloodhorn's vision with a barrage of bullets. "Can I get a 'nade?!"

"On it!" I quickly stand up and reach into my pouch for a grenade, tossing the item over to Prompto. "Let's hope this works..." I mumble a quick phrase whilst touching Gladio's broadsword. The weapon twirled as it started to levitate, pointing towards the enemy. An explosion devastated the animal's side, causing it to yell in pain.

"Try this on for size...Release!" I shoot my hand out, guiding the swirling sword to blast forward. It spun into the Bloodhorn's skin, drilling through until a sizeable hole was made. A loud thud resulted from the fallen beast, along with a few surprised looks from my comrades.

"That's..." I gasped, "why...I don't...wanna carry...stuff anymore." Raising upwards to place my hands on my head, I caught my breath as Gladio picked up his sword, making it disappear from sight.

"Didn't know you had it in ya." Gladio harshly patted my back, almost making me fall.

"Well, you wouldn't know if I'm always the mule of the group!" I huffed, fixing my messy hair.

"We wouldn't call you a mule, (Y/N)." Ignis shook his head.

"You're just...in charge of our inventory." Noctis slightly cringed afterwards.

"It means that you're important with our stuff, but not only that, you're my main model!" Prompto went to grab his camera that would normally rest around his neck, but it wasn't there. "H-huh?"

"I have it here, you goof." I grab his trusty camera from my bag. The camera had a Chocobo strap, a gift I gave him on his 17th birthday.

"See!? I could've damaged it in battle, but you kept it safe!" Prompto took his camera and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "Victory pic!" He snapped a picture, my deadpanned face visibly shown.

"Mmmm...kay..." I rolled my eyes before I saw Ignis in front of me with a bag over his shoulder.

"If you truly are adamant about your change in position, we shall abide to your terms...as we should've in the first place." Ignis glared at Noctis and Gladio. He was the first one to oppose to me being the carrier for the group.

"(Y/N) can carry the loot after we rough 'em up?" Gladio offered.

"No. We are not letting the lady of our group do that kind of labor." Ignis crossed his arms together. "I hope you are starting to remember how to be a gentleman, Gladio, because this not how we should establish (Y/N)'s role."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2019 ⏰

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