{Rival} Ukyo Asahina

38 2 1

~Published 10/3/19~

So, this is for @SadlyOptimistic 's one-shot contest they're holding. I've been debating on whether or not I should upload this book in general as I've written a few shots in drafts, but I figured because of this contest, why not. I hope you all enjoy it and I hope it's cool!

Warning; this talks about major thoughts like abortions and other things that are controversial. Do read carefully and please no hate.


Surprisingly, years after your high school graduation, the school contacted everyone in your graduating year to come back as guest speakers for the current graduating students. It would also serve as another get-together with previous high school friends and comrades, but that would come in the after party once presentations were made.

You had successfully became a lawyer after graduating high school and attending college. As an aspiring prosecutor of law, you were the 'jack of all trades,' meddling first with defamation cases, criminal offenses, and later on, business transactions, tortious interference and more. Truly, the jack of all trades...

And yet

There was another aspiring lawyer that grew by your side. One that got more recognition with the ladies and with the gentlemen because of gender differences. His piercing blue eyes could harden onto his victim, accusing and searching the lies in the testimonies. His blond hair neatly gelled and kept, matching his attire as it was ironed to perfection.

Asahina Ukyo

On occasion, you had to work with the man; however, with smart and sharp minds mean different view points—which would be good, if stubbornness wasn't a trait shared between you and Ukyo. Legal processes were agreed upon, but courses of action and how to approach such problems became topics that spent days trying to come to the same conclusion. In the more recent cases you were partnered up with him, he seemed more tame and calm about the approaches toward you. Maybe it was you or—what you assumed—the breakup that occurred between him and his now ex-girlfriend, Amamiya Reiko.

But after doing some legal background research on the man that usurped your fame and became your stubborn enemy, it dawned on you something you had forgotten long ago:

He was in your graduating class

He could be coming to the reunion


The presentation to the graduating class was more of a Q&A session with those in similar fields. As such, those interested in becoming a lawyer would be given the chance to ask current lawyers any questions. So that means more time with the blond.

Double fuck

You brush back the loose strands of hair and set them in place behind your ear. Taking a deep breath in and out, you dusted off your blazer jacket and walked with determination to the lounge. This could be the start to a good day...or a really, really, long day. You were introduced to the chairman and the other faculty members that were helping the event while you were given a lanyard and a sticker, both with your image and name on it. You managed to find some familiar faces, both of previous friends and work colleagues, namely Matsui Tanaka and Yogi Shinzo. They were the more experienced lawyers from the school, having a few extra years under their belt since they were in their last year while you were in your first. They somewhat know about you, but what they do know about is—


Guess today will be the long day then.

"Asahina-san." You turned around from your colleagues to face the blond lawyer. His face wore a look is surprise. "Is there something wrong, Asahina-san?"

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