Intruduction to Vlad (son of nemisis)

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Vlad's POV (don't worry I'm going to bring back Ethan to)


Oh no I thought another fucking day of school I can't wait I thought

I look over at the time and realize it's 10:39 and the one thought that crossed my mind was SHIT!

I then notice something when I ran out my room my step mom was there and so was my dad which is rare cause I never see them in the mornings. "Why are you to here not to be rude but isn't it like late?" They gave me puzzled looks "it's Saturday you dimwit." My dad laughed in which I started chuckling until I saw something weird about my step mom? Were those horns?

Nico's pov

I just stared at chaos while he stared at the Olympians it was like da most awkward thing ever until someone -COUGH COUGH Aphrodite COUGH- ripped the hood off my head and let's just say my hand still hurts from bitch slapping her.

"Nico? Is that you?" My father asked "No it isn't you big pile of death!" Hades looked offended but then he realized what he was about to do so he stopped looking offended but more guilty

And at that moment when everyone left except Poseidon which was kinda weird cause he doesn't think highly of me chaos was about to say something when a huge BOOM roared

Through the sky

Sorry guys for the cliff hanger but since BLOOD OF OLYMPUS comes out tomorrow I decided to update this book :3 oh and the winner of the contest was Artemis

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