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Jimins pov
(When he left)

I ran all the way back to Red Lilly in record time like someone should have timed me or something cause damn I was moving.

When I made it to the gate, Chanyeol our gatekeeper immediately opened the gates when he saw me and my lovely red hair.

"Tae sound the alarm and bring the guards to the armory." Taecyeon nodded without hesitation and pushed the bright purple button that gave the guards a buzz on their arms where they can see the notification.

I ran to the armory and got Jin's armor ready in a bag and then waited for everyone to finish coming in.

Our armory is mixed in with our training hall so it is really big, it is also soundproof, and can go into a fancy lockdown mode.

20 minutes later the whole room was filled with all the guards of the kingdom.

"Ok first Jungkook has been taken- nope wrong word he has been kidnapped by the humans along with Yoongi one of the werewolf guards that came here." I let that information sink in before I started up again.

"King SeokJin and Prince Namjoon have come up with a plan so can I please have everyone split into their training groups" I watched as everyone got into 5 groups of 20.

"Ok my group we are group 5, Onew your group is group 4, and Taeyong your group is group 6. When we go to the human's side you will stick with your group at all times. King SeokJin has a plan on where we will be stationed. If I didn't call your group leader's name that means you are the last defense in the kingdom right next to the military and will be staying here." I smiled.

"Also if you are not suited up get your armor on now and your weapons. Meet me by the gates in an hour." I then walked through the groups so I can get to Onews group.

"Onew come here." Onew nodded and walked towards me.


"Do you know where Tae is?" Onew rubbed his chin.

"I am pretty sure he is in our room." He said.

"Ok, thanks!" I hugged Onew and then ran to their room.

I knocked on the door and waited until it opened.

"ONE MOMENT." I heard Taemin yell.

I hear some things moving around the room before Taemin finally opened the door.

"J-Jimin?" Taemin gasped before pulling me into a hug. "Are you ok? I heard about the kidnappings and things and I am sorry about Yoongi."

"Thanks, and we have a plan and all" Taemin nodded then walked into his room.

"So why are you here?" I raised an eyebrow at him. "Not like I don't mind your presence here but like, you never come a visit me."

"True and I just wanted to tell you that I am taking half of the guards with me back to Moonlight so you should probably say something to Onew." Taemin looked down.

"He is always gone. Did you know that today is? It's our 4th year anniversary and he didn't even say anything to me today or even acknowledged me." Taemin started crying and being his brother I ran over to hug him.

"I don't know I may have to just break up with him." He cried even more onto my shoulder.

"Hey please don't cry you will make me cry." I wiped a tear and chuckled. "How bout I make Onew stay here so you two can rebuild your relationship?" I smiled as Taemin brought his head up.

"Really? Thank you, Chim!" Taemin smiled back.

"No worries, I will go to him now and when I get him up here you tell him that he is staying." He nodded and I walked out the door and back to the training hall where I saw Onew talking to a hot young vampire.

I went up to Onew and grabbed him by the collar and push him to the wall.

"WHAT THE HELL JIMIN? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" Onew yelled getting all up in my face.

"No, what the hell is wrong with you? Today is your anniversary with Taemin and you didn't do anything for him. Tae is in your guy's room crying his heart out and you are here talking to some guy. You know I came down here to tell you that Tae is thinking about breaking up with you but know... I think I don't care, I liked you and I was glad for you to be my brother-in-law but now Go. To. Hell," I spoke coldly.

"He is going to break up with me?" Onew now started to cry too, annoying me.

"Yes now if you don't want that get your ass you there and make my brother happy god damn it." Onew immediately ran away. I then turned my head to the vampire.

"You. You may be new here but you can easily tell if someone is together here so get into place. If I see you talking to anyone here that has a mate or is in a relationship then I will kick you out of this kingdom and send you to another." I threatened and watched as the vampires nodded and ran out the door, something a lot of people have been doing.

I turned around to see the other guards looking at me with wide eyes.

"SHOWS OVER. GET BACK TO WORK, WE ONLY HAVE 20 MINUTES LEFT." I yelled and watch how everything suddenly went crazy.

I picked up the bag that had Jin's armor in it and then walk back over to Onews group.

"Kai, since Onew is going to be staying here you are the leader okay." The said male nodded.

I looked over at the clock and realized we needed to go like right now.

"EVERYONE GET INTO YOUR GROUPS. GO TO THE GATES NOW." I ordered and started running to the gate to wait for everyone else.

"Chanyeol tell General Suho he is in charge of the kingdom until we get back." Chanyeol nodded and we just waited for everyone to get here.

When all the vampires were accounted for, Chanyeol opened the gates and I lead the army of guards towards Moonlight.

The run back would take about 30 minutes but since I am the leader I kept making them run faster and faster as the time went by, checking if the guards could keep up with the werewolves.

Yes, last time I was with Yoongi we raced and so I know how fast they averagely run. P.S, I won by the way.

I could then see the Kims castle on the beautiful mountain.

Soon I noticed that the werewolf guards started running next to us leading us towards the gate where Jin and Prince Namjoon were waiting.

I slowed down eventually, as did everyone else, and bowed to the royals.

"Vampires welcome to Moonlight!" Namjoon announced.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you can go in and rest but soon we will be on the road again to get back Yoongi and Jungkook." Jin smiled as everyone cheered and walked through the castle doors.

This book is actually coming along quite nicely!

Opposite Kingdoms // NamJin Where stories live. Discover now