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Unlikely Connections 

CeeJay Marie


Friendship bonds 

Kindred spirits 

Eternal souls 

Ying and yang 

Unlikely passion brims 

Endless dance of desire 

Stolen glances 

Concealed touches 

Wanton yearns 

Ongoing conversations 'til the break of dawn 

Secret rendezvous for only a moment 

Camaraderie beyond definition 

Comfort level easy and warm 

Laughter abundant and smile everlasting 

One moment in time 

Seems to last forever 

Yet moments never seem to stay 

A lifetime to enjoy each other 

Just between you and I 

j*a*d*e*s - wakeup call 

The bank of white fog ebbed towards the still darkened home of Jo Wheaton, the sun a silver sliver, pushing through to try and enlighten the world. Inside the house, the alarm was ringing. It had been ringing for almost an hour. Jo finally stirred, her shaky hand reached out, almost toppling the glass that had held the scotch the evening before, and she silenced the alarm.  

Jo rolled out of bed, late for the third time in as many days. This was unusual for her, she was never late. She had been listless all week-end, and had caught herself sniping at the girls more than once. Her temper was hot - the lack of sleep might have been the ultimate reason, but she knew it wasn't the only one. May things were on Jo's mind, namely that her secrets were beginning to bulge and ooze out of her ears. Secrets from her friends, from her father, from the world. Why had she been cursed with a genetic quirk of DNA? Jo closed her eyes to the sun that had finally managed to cut through the fog. She steeled herself for the day that lay before her. 

She hastily grabbed her things for school, digging out clothes from a pile in the corner of the room. She had been having trouble sleeping again and it was wreaking havoc on her life. She hoped that the week would be an easy one, not too much excitement. She rushed to the bathroom, hoping that a quick shower would wash the growing cobwebs out of her head.  

She hated Mondays.

j*a*d*e*s - rearview mirror

Amy looked outside her second story bedroom window and sighed, not knowing what she'd see that was so different from the day before, or the day before that. She needed some excitement in her life; she was getting bored, and getting bored was a dangerous thing. Amy fiddled with her blonde hair, thinking about cutting it. Maybe she could cut it shorter than Jo's, which wasn't really possible, since at times she wondered if Jo shouldn't just shave her head. Amy sighed. It was fruitless. She was bored.  

It had been hard giving up the constant fun, or rather dangerous fun, but it was better for her that she had. Her parents were finally letting her go somewhere, other than to Jo's for the weekend. They only let her stay out late if she was with one of the other girls. They trusted Jo more than they trusted her, which wasn't much of a surprise; Jo was the trustworthy one. She'd charmed her parents quite well. There was something about Jo that instantly attracted Amy to her; maybe it was Jo's zest for life or just her easy way. 

Amy yearned for a drink, and then she pushed the thought out of her mind. What good was that going to do? She looked at her arms and rubbed them slowly, remembering. The track marks had faded, but she could still make them out. Most people wouldn't even see them it they looked, but she did. Those memories brimmed at the surface, ready to let her slip into her wicked ways. There was so much more that Amy yearned for, but that too was connected to time in Florida. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. God help her, she hated Mondays.

j*a*d*e*s - frustrations of daybreak

Darci shuffled out of her mother's way who was running late and was in a foul mood. Darci desperately wanted to ask her mom for the car, but Darci knew that the answer would be no, since her mom needed the car for work and Jo always drove them to school. "You don't need separate cars to go to school," her mother would say with a logical look on her face. She sighed, knowing what the conversation would bring. It made her weary, but she was going to try nevertheless.  

She suddenly wished that she was rich and they could afford a second car. Yeah, right, dream on. Right, when hell freezes over and Milli Vanilli has another hit album, dream on. She thought. What was the point of having her license if she couldn't have the car. She hated Mondays.

j*a*d*e*s - deafening silence

Emma grabbed a pancake from her father's plate. H playfully slapped at her outstretched hand. They all ate in silence, like usual: her father with that day's paper, grumbling about him not having the best reporters or being scooped. He wasn't a fan of the internet. Emma's mother had the fashion section, making mental notes on what she would be ordering and not ordering. Emma was doing last night's homework that hadn't gotten done, since she hadn't been home to do it. Life as usual, at least for now it was a typical Monday morning.

If you love, like, adore, are addicted to J*A*D*E*S, then you should know that its continues, in s*t*a*r*s -- :) -- I hope you enjoy!  :)

J*A*D*E*S is going LIVE next week on KINDLE!  I'll be slowly popping it onto other platforms as well - for more info follow me here and on facebook!



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