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11:52 pm, my parents still aren't back from their so called meeting! I'm starting to get really worried, my parents left me home alone and they said they would be back at 9:00pm. Where are they?
Chapter 1
My name is Carly Elise, I am 12 years old and I'm finally big enough to stay home alone! Tonight my parents are letting me stay by myself for the first time. My parents have a meeting to attend. They will be back at 9:00pm so I am not worried!
It's 10:00 and my parents still aren't back. "It's okay" I tell myself, even though it wasn't okay. Half an hour passes and nothing has changed, my parents still aren't home. I decide to sit down and watch some tv to get my mind off of the subject that my parents weren't home and I was about to loose it! 11:00, you guessed it. My parents still aren't home. So I decide to call them. I called my mom because she usually always answers. 3 rings, 4
rings, "hi, you've reached my voice mail, leave a message." No answer.
It's close to midnight now and I can't think straight. I'm so worried about my parents and my gut feeling is telling me something bad is gonna happen. 11:52 pm, I see a car pull up in our drive way. It has to be my parents, it has to be! A gray dodge truck is what I see. But my parents drive a red suburban, who is in our driveway?
Chapter 2
I wake up in pitch black darkness. Where am I? How did I get here? What happened? I hear footsteps coming toward me. The lights suddenly flicker on, and I see two men standing in front of me. "Who could they be?" I whisper to myself. One looked to be in his late 20's and the other looked like he was in his 40's." What just happened to me" I ask. " well what do you think" the younger guy says. " I was obviously knocked out and kidnapped but why, why did you do this to me?" "Can't tell you that information, that's for us to know and you to find out." Why would they kidnap me. I didn't do anything to these men, I don't even know them. Why me, why me! Before the men leave they bring me a small piece of bread and a cup of old milk. This has to be some kind of joke, why would they do this to me, I think to myself. I must have said it aloud because the youngest man answered " it's no joke sweetie, don't worry we won't hurt you to bad." I can't believe this is actually happening, I would have never pictured me being kidnapped. Oh what am I saying , I have to get out of here.
Chapter 3
I must have fallen asleep because I wake to see the slightest bit of sunlight beaming out of a crack in the ceiling. Out of nowhere I hear a whimper coming from behind a door, "it's just some animal" I say to myself. But then I hear a scream! It's a girl! "So I'm not the only one here" I tell myself as I think of a plan to help the girl.
Minutes pass and I hear a door slam! My hands have been tied with barbed wire so if I move them I will cut them so I start to look around for anything that might help me, and finally I see something, a kitchen knife. I keep it in my sights until I know it's clear to stand up and get it, footsteps, I hear footsteps, getting closer to the door that's keeping me locked in this torture chamber. The two men come in with a bat and some spray.
Chapter 4
I wake to a massive headache and a small pool of blood beside me, I pull up my shirt and see a gaping hole in my abdominal area. How did I not feel this when I woke up, I think to myself. I touch it and I get an excruciating sensation that burns and stings, like a million bees! And before I know it, more blood is gushing out of the open wound in my stomach!
I also notice all of the bruises on my arms and legs and then it comes to me, they used the spray to make me unconscious and they beat me with the baseball bat, that's where the bruises came from, but where is this open wound from? "The Kitchen Knife, it's gone" I say out loud. They stabbed me with it and took it with them. God, it hurts so bad. "Now I'll never get out of here" I yell! Then I hear a small knock on the door where I heard the scream. " Can you open the door?" The girl ask. I don't know what to do so I just say "I'll try". "Don't worry they won't be back any time soon" she says. "I have barbed wire on my hands, how do I get it off?" I ask. "Just open the door carefully and I'll get it off" says the girl. So after 10 minutes of pain from the barbed wire and the wound in my stomach I finally get the door open.
Chapter 5
I finally see the girl who has been behind the door for God knows how long. I start bombarding her with questions "where are we, who are those men, what's your name, and how are we gonna get out?" "Woah slow down" she tells me so I apologize for all of the questions realizing that she probably doesn't even have the answers to them. "So, start with telling me your name" I say. "My name is Samantha, but just call me Sam." "Ok, Sam. How long have you been here?" I ask. "Well I don't know what day it is but I've been here for almost 3 weeks." "Are you serious?" "Yes, I was taken from my home at least 18 days ago." Just then the two men come in. "I thought you said they wouldn't be back soon" I whisper.
Chapter 6
It seems like everything happened at once, the clang of knives, the choking noises coming from Sam. It all happened so quick. And in an instant I had a rope tied to my mouth and hands and I was being beat with a belt. The men spit on us and leave. For a while I struggled to get the rope off of my mouth but I managed to and I asked Sam "what was that about?" It was stupid to ask her because she still had a rope in her mouth. I helped her get it off and proceeded to ask her again. She said "I don't know, they must have heard us or something."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2016 ⏰

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