Date or Affair/ Love the Art of War pt 10Part 77

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Had to use this song again, I felt it went with this arc too well focusing on Alix n Skip's relationship.

"You chose your friend over me, your companion, your confidant, your inamorata." 

 Strands of silky blue hair tickle the rebel's nose while Skip gazes deeply into the pinkette's eyes. Alix makes a confused facial expression with her brows knitted together then blinks a couple of times while twisting her lips dumbfounded. 

 "Imano what?" Alix asks. Piercing blue eyes dart away quickly then revert back to the pink-haired girl. 

"Your lover," Skip says sternly.

Skip leans closer than before closing the space between them, now the love birds were nose to nose. Alix could feel Skip's hot breath on her upper lip, she bites her bottom lip feeling a warm sensation grow between her legs. With those icy blue eyes gazing into her's Alix couldn't control her emotions Skip always made her feel aroused just looking at her. Alix could feel Skip's warm soft supple breast pressed against her bosoms. Skip's long lashes rest upon her pale smooth cheeks with her thin soft lips inches away from Alix's lush lips.

  She gazes lustfully at Skip's sharp heart-shaped face that was flawless. Alix's hands hover over Skip's firm smooth mounds of flesh. Her hands tremble as she restrains herself ready to grope her girlfriend. Alix glances at dimples on Skip's lower back, she sweats slightly eager to caress her lover's silky soft skin. 

 "Babe," Alix mutters, she lifts her head to meet Skip's lips.

Skip retires turning over on her side of the bed pulling the covers with her.

"S-Skippy, I'm tired of this, it's like you're obsessed, Ran is my friend get over it," Alix snaps while folding her arms above their blankets. 

" I already said okay earlier." Alix grumbles.

 She looks towards the bluenette waiting for a response.

Alix lowers her lids as a lascivious smile creeps across her face as she peers at blue locks from the back. Alix moves inconspicuously near Skip feeling how warm her girlfriend was.

"Now how about some love makin' babe." Alix sits up in bed hearing only silence fill her ears.

"Skippy, Skip." Alix frowns with her brows lowered.  Still, no response from her significant other. She grimly stares at Skip from behind. Dead silence fills their bedroom.

 "Skiiiiiip come on." Alix grits her teeth.

Skip parts her lips still turned away from her girlfriend. "DATE RAN."

"ACK," Alix's eyes bulge out of her head while her face sags with exasperation.

 "AAAAAHHH," Alix screams while pulling at her hair hunched in bed with her knees to her chest. 

How could my blue-haired babe be so cruel? Alix thought.

The next day sunlight peaks in through the windows as birds sing outside, chirping fills a studious tutor's ears. Skip sits at her desk working on assignments in the wee hours of the morning, she peers at Alix whose snoring loudly sprawled out on the bed. 

What a nuisance. Skip sighs.

She looks over student worksheets, incorrect, incorrect, correct. Her hand glides across the paper then makes a looping motion as she circles an error. A slight smile graces her face as she makes a checkmark with her red pen, correct. A buzzing sound interrupts her work. Buzzzzz. Her phone vibrates, Skip takes a gander at her phone there was a message from Krone that occupied her screen.

It read: Please come to the Protectore's league meeting.

Skip taps the text message on her phone, the arrogant runt ambles from her desk into the darkness of her closet. There Skip could see a pink circular portal glowing on her floor. She squeezes her arm while peering at the circle of light. She cautiously steps onto the portal.

Skip felt light-headed, her body became as light as a feather, she noticed the inside of her closet had transcended into something else, her surroundings resembled a kaleidoscope, the room began to spin with an array of colors, shapes, and bright lights, it looked as if a rainbow had exploded covering the walls around her. Skip felt her stomach whirl around like a washer machine, she covers her mouth feeling nauseous as her saliva flow seems to stop and her mouth became dry. The room spirals out of control, it felt like she was on a spinning carnival ride. Skip could feel air pressure to her body as if she were falling, even though she was being pulled forward into another dimension.

Skip shuts her eyes tightly, she could feel her breakfast run its way up her esophagus, in a blink of an eye, Skip no longer felt her stomach churning or intense pressure on her body. The lithe girl slowly lifts her lids, she peers around warily eyeing large columns, high ceilings, and sculptures of Aegisus' children. Skip soon realizes she was in the main entry hall of the protectore's league headquarters. 

"Aye Skipper," She heard a vivacious voice. Skip looks to her right.

 "Good morning grandmother." Skip replies, her tone cold.

Krone was pleased to see them both.

"Good morning ladies." Ikki grins, "Thanks for the compliment Kroney." She slaps the lanky alien on the back.

 "Ack," Krone coughs then grins trying to keep his balance.

 "This way please." Ikki and Skip follow behind a tall foreign creature down a long hall that looked as if it reached the ends of the earth. 

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