part 7 traitors Unite

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I don't own pokemon or yu gi oh or naurto
Brock and the traitors were walking the forest. Brock ask misty why did you betrayed ash misty says/yells I did because he never called me are ask me out I was in LOVE With him Brock is shocked and disappointed in Misty. Now brock ask dawn why she betwayed them dawn says I did because I was blacked mailed by trip he said I will burn down you mom's house and your pokemon. Dawn says I will do in the flashback ends. Brock is shocked that trip will do that. Dawn says misty was also offered money but I declined it dawn says trying not to cry. Now brock I have to talk to ash and ask him to forgive me. Brock says I see ash and some person with a red hat.

Ash and red see the traitors/brock and dawn now dawn says to ash i'm sorry I betrayed you but trip threatened me
Ash says explain now.
Flash back starts running

Dawn was walking down the road to get food for her mom. Now trip sees her grin wildly now dawn sees trip and dawn says hey trip trip says come with me dawn we can betway ash like I'm planning so he can't stop me from taking over the world with team desipar because I'm the one who created so I can do what team plasma and rocket didn't beat ash ketchum dawn says I won't help betway ash because or become your girlfriend because you will lose and ash will escape from you. Trip grin fades and becomes looks like his about to kill dawn no we dawn say how you going to get me to join make me bow to you with a bowl. Trip says I will kill all you hold dear to your heart dawn I will join you to betway ash.
Flash back ends
Ash is fouise that trip is the leader of team desipar. Now red is shocked that leader wants his son out of the way.
Ash says to misty his eye change you will pay for joining trip by going to shadow realm now shadows are around misty says what happens when I lose this pokemon ashes says you lose your soul now pikachu come out and show misty my dark powers. Misty sends out psyduck now ash tells pikachu to use bolt strike now psyduck faints. Misty right arm disappears. Ash says you kept that weak pokemon mortal can't beat a god. Now misty sends out togepi ash says pikachu show her my wrath now use fusion bolt which hits togepi and togepi faints and misty stomach disappears. Now misty sends out staryu come out pikachu use thunderbolt which staryu and faints misty loses both her legs. Now misty sends out starmie ash says pikachu bolt strike hits starmie starmie faints misty loses feet now mist sends out blastoise ash says use thunderbolt blastoise faint misty lose her last arm misty send out her last pokemon gyrodose ash says pikachu use bolt strike feel my wrath and you last time on earth mortal gyrodose faint misty body returns but misty souls gone to shadow realm. Ash says fool you and think you can stop me from saving the world. Brock says misty dersverd it and what will happen to trip. He will soon find out once I find ash eyes return to normal. Now ash ash says let's get my next gym badge

To be continued

Misty wasn't expecting to lose to ash
Also trip is the leader of team despair
Who want ash out of the way also ash has all his pokemon never left them behind peace out.

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