Chapter 3

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November 14th

Your POV

"Right Y/B/F/N you got everything? Pass port? Carry on stuff? Money? Hot clothes?" I asked. Today was the beginning of the journey. It was a 6 hour flight from Manchester airport to LAX so I picked out my comfiest outfit - skinny jeans and the bands tank top, covered by a Betty boop pyjama jacket. I had never been on a plane before, so it was exciting enough.

"Hurry up Y/B/F/N we have to leave now!!!!" I yelled. I decided to take my bff because, she was right as always, she could be my 'wing man' and help me know the boys better. A few minuets later, she bumbled out of her house with 2 big suitcases, put them in the car then piled in next to me.

"Jeeze Y/B/F/N were going for 2 days! I have a bag pack and a small bag!! How long are you staying for??!!" I joked.

she blushed and replied "I don't know what the weather will be like, or my mood... So shush!!"

I just laughed and we pulled away.


We had been waiting at the airport for a few hours, when I got a band newsletter update on my phone

"Hi Y/N you have been selected for the boys to personally pick you and your mate up from LAX" i read to my mom and best friend.

"Oh my freaking Lord" YBF said. "We're gonna have some alloooneeee time with them" I knew what she implied, and I laughed but mom just looked at us both and said "I'll be with you in that car missus. And nothing will be going on!" Me and YBF looked at each other and laughed. I carried on reading the email. "You and your mate will ride in one car with the boys and if you have a chaperone, they will be with the security and our management, arranging a surprise for you guys!"

Mom looked furious. "If they think I am leaving two vulnerable girls with 4 strange boys, they can think again!" I looked at her, gave her my best puppy dog face and she shook her head. I could hear YBF piping up in the background " hey mrs YLN, just think if you stop us, you could be potentially destroying all chances your daughter has getting to know her future husband!" My mom just sighed and said fine, it's not like we're going to be that far apart." She said. And we got on our plane.

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