Beyond The Scars

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"Mack breakfast is ready!" Kara yelled from the kitchen, her thick southern accent in her lovely voice.

Kara was Mackenzie's older sister, they were there only family ever since mom died in a car accident in 1974.

Kara had recently turned the age of eighteen, which meant she was legally old enough to care for Mackenzie.

"Coming!" Mackenzie shouted from her way down the stairs. Mack didn't inherit her mothers beautiful southern accent like Kara had, no, Mackenzie had inherited her fathers amazing American accent.

When she made her way down Kara could hardly recognize her from the pounds of make-up that covered her face.

Kara as her usual mature adult self made a pissed off face and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Hello random stranger, have you seen my sister Mack anywhere? She's about five foot four, very innocent ' lookin, oh, did I mention SHE'S ONLY TWELVE YEARS OLD!!!" Her sister said sarcastically along with her deep southern accent.

Mack just rolled her eyes, and sat down on the table as she started to pick at her burnt eggs and raw waffles.

Instead of being a polite young lady and eating her food, she made a rather mean hurtful comment;

"Hello random person, have you seen my sister Kara anywhere? She's a neat-freak, a control- freak, and a really horrible cook. Oh wait, there she is!" Mack said with the return of sarcasm in her voice, as she pointed to Kara during that last comment.

"Don't change the subject! Why in the hell would you put on that much make-up?! You look like one of them hookers we see at Big Ben's." She exclaimed while turning off the stove.

Sure Kara was beautiful the most gorgeous looking thing in Hucksbin County, she had the straightest most whitest teeth, the most luxurious blonde hair, and the most fine " ' lookin body "as the boys exclaimed it, but to Mackenzie Foxhill, she was just another typical snobby adult.

"All the other girls are wearing this! Why can't I ?!" Mack whined like a little toddler wanting candy at the farmers market.

"It don't matter! Go upstairs and while off all that filth off your face, or I'll do it for you!" Kara threatened as Mack trudged up the stairs, but Mackenzie knew Kara would never in her life hurt her!

As Mack went up the stairs Kara was worried that this little incident that just happened was only stage one of Mackenzie's teenage years to come.

That's when Kara herd the telephone ring.

As Kara walked up to the phone and reached out her hand to reach for it she herd a knock at the front door.

Kara answered the phone and made her way to the front door on her house on the hill.

"Hello, Foxhill's residence how may I help you?" She said as sweet as possible to the person on the other end of the phone line.

"Hi, is this Kara Foxhill from Lincoln States high-school?" A male voice asked on the other end.

"This is she. May I ask who's calling?" She replied and asked with her welcoming voice still on.

"This is Gregory Smalls." Gregory answer made Kara's heart skip a beat as she realised she was talking to thee Gregory Smalls, the most hottest boy in her school.

Why was Gregory calling Kara out of all the pretty girls at Lincoln States High?

"Gregory, what an, um,  surprise. What are you doing calling Foxhill's residence?" She asked nervously, trying not to faint out of pressure.

"Well,I wanted to see of you were busy Friday night?" He asked, which made Kara's heart jump up and down.

Her hand reached for the doorknob. She really didn't want to answer the door,  she'd rather stay on the phone with Gregory.

As her hand slowly twisted the doorknob she anxious to hear what Gregory had wanted to ask her, even though she had a good feeling about what it was gonna be.

As she opened the door she dropped the phone and starred at the man in front of her, she was shocked to see who it was. The man at the other end of the door frame was waring an army suit, he had also had scars on his arms and legs from stabbings and bullets, but he wore a warm happy smile through it all, while showing off his perfect straight teeth and charmingly good looks.

"Micheal?" She let out, in shock at who she was looking at.

"Hello Kara," he said warmly with his deep southern accent, while smiling at the women he was finally witnessing since such a long time.

"Michael?" Was all she could let out as a teardrop made its way down her rosy cheeks.

"M-Micheal?" Was the last time she said that before running out and wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him. Michael wasn't shocked or confused, no, he was waiting for this moment ever since he left for war. He kissed her back and let all his emotions he's been feeling for Kara out. Kara was his first love as Michael was hers.

Kara loved Michael with all her heart and soul! She let go of the kiss, like letting go of a delicate butterfly she never wanted to leave go, and realised her legs were wrapped around his waist as he supported her from falling like he always did.

"How is possible? They said you died." She exclaimed while trying as hard as she could to hold back her tears,  but ended up failing as the teardrops slid down her face like an open waterfall.

"Well,I'm right here Kara. I'm right here." He kissed her as she kissed back brushing her hands through his blonde hair.

She disengaged from the kiss and hugged him while he comforted her.

Michael let her down on the ground and looked her in her beautiful blue eyes,  while she got lost in his murky green eyes.

"Kara, your the light at the end of my tunnel, your the moon when its full, your the song in my car I keep singing, and I know why I do. I know I've been gone so long...and you've probably moved on but I thought I might give it a shot..." Michael's voice trailed off as he kneeled onto one knee, and grabbed a mini black box that appeared magically out of his bag that was on his shoulder. Kara in shock looked down at him and knew exactly what was coming next. She felt tears of happiness stream down her face.

"Kara Lilian Foxhill, would you do me the owner of becoming my lawfully wedded wife?" He asked with so much certainty in his voice. Kara gasped and put her hands over her mouth while she nodded to a yes.

"Yes?" Michael asked not sure if he was seeing correctly.

"Yes!Yes,yes,yes,yes,yes,yes!" She cried as she tackled him on the ground and kissed him. She picked her head up from the kiss and looked in his eyes. Never, as Kara ever, cried that much for someone she loved! Michael got the ring and slid it on her finger. Kara didn't pay attention to the priceless piece of Jewelery Michael just gave was too occupied staring at Michael....

The priceless piece she'll ever need.


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Enjoy and vote for my story in TheBestOfMeMovie contest and I hope you enjoyed:)=);)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2014 ⏰

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