Chapter 14

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No way, I couldn't help but think. I had figured he was just a scientist or something like Merlin. How can a team of seven criminals be this well rounded?

Not only did they have someone within the precinct, along with a hacker, they also had a freaking doctor on the team? Just how the hell did this group come together? Despite everyone having specific jobs and probably reasons for being here, I just couldn't believe how well off they were. It was no wonder we had nothing on them. There was absolutely no way for us to find them with Merlin covering their tracks at crime scenes and Escanor making house visits for injuries.

"I am," Escanor answered my question with a tilt of his head. "I uh, thought that was apparent...?" He turned to Meliodas. "What kind of people are you introducing her to that a stranger showing up in the middle of the night and drawing blood is not a doctor thing?"

Merlin chuckled, "I'm sure Princess," she purred my code name, clearly finding amusement in the title, "is just in a bit of shock."

She was right, of course. How could I not be, given this new development - along with everything else that had happened so far? It's hard to believe how much had happened in such a short amount of time when only earlier this week I was hounding Meliodas for kidnapping me and not giving me immediate answers. While I had received some, it wasn't on what I wanted and also left me with more questions than actual answers.

"Ah," Escanor nodded understandably. "It is a lot to take in. I don't blame you for being a bit... surprised. I was too." He offered me a kind smile and a half-hearted shrug. "You get used to it... kind of."

"Says the guy who doesn't even visit us!" Diane yelled and popped out her lip. "I swear you don't even like us most of the time and just come for Merlin!"

Escanor flushed. "T-that's not true!" He attempted to argue.

"It's totally true~," Ban chortled and threw an arm around the red-faced man. "If it weren't for Mer, you may not even be here."

"That's not fair guys," King slurred.

"Thank you, King," the doctor sighed in relief.

Too soon it seemed as King continued his explanation. "Sure, he totally came here for Merlin-"

"Not you too!"

"-but he's one of us now and unlike most of us, he has a life outside of this," the ginger-haired man finished, resting his head against the table. "A normal life. Can't expect him to give it all up for this kind of existence..."

My eyes widened at yet, another new piece of information. A heavy sigh from Meliodas didn't give me much time to process it. "Told you he was a blabbermouth," the leader of the Sins shook his head at the now sleeping man.

"Hear that King~?" Ban poked his cheek. "You suck!" He laughed loudly, slapping his own knee and falling out of his chair.

"Shuddup," King grumbled in response, "I'm seeping..." he slurred.

"Perhaps King should lessen his alcohol intake," Gowther suggested from the bar. A glass of, what must be, apple juice sat in front of him.

"I'm fiiinnne," the Sin of Sloth lifted his head to try and find the genius. His eyes had trouble focusing. I hadn't realized he drank that much in the short amount of time they'd been back.

Diane giggled and wrapped her arms around his waist while rubbing her face against his neck. "You are, but let's go to bed okay? I'm sleepy too."


"Ban, carry him for me? I'm gonna grab us some waters."

"But I don't wa-" One glare from Diane had the white-haired man sighing heavily. "Fine~." King must have fallen asleep again as Ban picked him up with no sign of protest. "Be back in a few," he said, seemingly more sober as he carried the smaller man away.

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