The Little Things

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"It's the little things in life that matter," she always tells me. "The short, stolen moments, the small, barely noticeable actions. That's what matters."

She may be right, but the big things sure matter, too. It's not exactly easy to have a relationship when your entire family decides to move across the globe to New Zealand. Good luck focussing on the little things when you're not even close to the same timezone.

"Chester is barking at the thunder again," I say to the screen that shows her face.

She laughs. Not a flirty giggle like most girls nowadays, but a truly joyful laugh. I grin and try to calm the dog down.

Her expression suddenly grows serious. "Do you think it's weird that I refer to you as 'boyfriend'? My friends tell me it's weird."

"Of course not," I say. "I think it's unique. Not like 'bae' or 'darlingest lover dear.'"

She laughs again. It's the laugh that made me fall in love with her. I'd fly all the way back and abandon my family just to hear that sound again. I guess it really is the little things.

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