Chapter 4: teach me to fall in love

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Please don't play song yet thanks

One night after the fountain incident, Sif rapped heavily on the door of his bedroom, a startled Loki rushed to the door and was surprised to see Sif in such a stunning gown, her blonde hair was pinned back with beautiful sparkles, she was possibly the most beautiful creature he had ever laid eyes on. Her dress was a deep red and dropped like a waterfall down to her feet. Blushing she brushed past him, standing in the middle of his room "I have to dance with Thor tonight at this ball..." he closed the door and joined her in the middle of his room "Anyway, I've never danced a day in my life and I'm too embarrassed to tell Thor"

"I see" his amused smile spread like wildfire, he found it very attractive how comfortable she was just walking into his room, most Asgardian women would be gracious, but Sif was different, she showed that in the little things, he walked swiftly to the record player and placed the needle on the record.

Play the song now please, I do this for the best effect, you can listen to the song as they would and see what I'm picturing in my head.

Without letting her speak again he took her warm hands in his cold palms "you put your hand here like this and I place mine here" he put his hand around her waist and she began to blush again, which only increased when he pulled her as close as she would go to him "then I step, just follow the music" his tone was soft and intoxicating, like a whisper, so warm unlike his hands.

He guided her softly and slowly around the floor, then with the music and him, it became like a fairy tale, the stars were lit beautifully outside and everything was unreal, like a dream, he lifted her hand to his shoulder and held it there in his, they began to dance more sensually, quicker paced, he would dip her and spin her, marvelling in the sight of her crimson dress making a perfect circle.

In the moment he spun her he couldn't bare for her to be so far away and so he spun her back into him, her back against Loki's chest. She turned slowly back to him not letting go of his hands, the night seemed like it may never end, it was perfect.

Then the dancing slowed back down, until they were gazing desirably into each other's eyes, his emerald eyes were piercing but so romantic she couldn't bare to look away.

They carried on dancing and just as the song was about to end, Sif's hand lifted to Loki's jaw bone and pulled him down to her. The kiss was sensational and both of them felt more alive than ever but as the song ended Sif pulled away quickly "I'm... I'm sorry" she ran out leaving Loki alone and confused.

If the song hasn't stopped yet then you can stop it or carrying on listening, it's your choice

Confused herself she sat in that same room, on his bed which he will probably never use again. She listened to that song and she could see Loki and herself dancing together.

The cycle didn't stop there, searching for his deserved answers he went after her, he could hear the Asgardian music traveling down the corridors, unfortunately only lullabies contained words on Asgard, so the ball room music was just a tune, nothing as romantic as the Midgardian song he and Sif had danced to.

Loki was ill-prepared for a ball, so he peeked in through the crowd, and there he saw her gliding slowly across the marble floor, led by Thor. For some reason it hurt Loki to see her dance with him, but as the melody faded out and Thor leaned in, the knife was twisted and the pain was unbearable as Thor's lips touched hers, and she didn't pull away either, she seemed to enjoy it.

Loki staggered back to his chambers, tears soaking his cheeks, he looked into the mirror and fury built up in his eyes, he grabbed his dagger and sat on his bed, devising a plan to hurt her like she hurt him, he schemed on his bed, staring at the devilish dagger, then he caught his hair in the reflection of it. His plan came to him in an instant, he would cut off every last strand of her golden hair that women envied.

He would have his revenge.

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