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Disclamer: I do NOT own Nanatsu no Taizai or any of the characters. Spoilers for season one. This story is set when Zaratas is still alive and the Seven Deadly Sins just became holy knights.


Meliodas was having a nice day. Keyword was. As soon as he walked into the private room meant only for the king and his elite guard, he could tell something was off. All the Sins had gathered there, which was a rare occurrence this early in the morning. Ban was asleep(no surprise there), Gowther was, well, Gowther, and Escanor hadn't changed into his more powerful alter-ego. In fact, Merlin seemed to be the only one awake. Meliodas let out a sigh as he slowly stalked forward, almost asking the question with his movements.

"Alright, what's going on? I didn't expect any of you to be up and about this early, even on the king's orders." Meliodas looked around tiredly, trying once again to figure out what was going on.

"This is not something you take out of this room." Merlin responded. "You must promise me. All of you."

"Okay? Sure, I guess. What's going on?" Meliodas was even more confused than before.

"My future self has sent a message to me through time; and has instructed us to watch the future in order to avoid unnecessary casualties." The room went silent. Watch the future? That seemed impossible. Everyone just stared at Merlin, waiting for a "Just kidding! You thought I couldn't make a joke?" but she just stood there, unwavering as the words settled into the Sins.

"Okay! Sounds good to me!" Everyone's heads whipped around, to see Meliodas smiling and taking a seat with everyone else. Diane was astounded. "Captain, how can you be so cool with this?"

"Well, if king Baltra called us this early and you're all up, it must've been important," Meliodas replied, "And plus, if knights can make lightning from literally nowhere, what's to say we can't see the future?"

"Oh yeah, I guess you do have a point Captain..."

Merlin resumed talking. "So as you heard, I will be showing the future to avoid any unnecessary deaths. However, she warned us about one thing."

"Oh really, and how dangerous could one thing be?" Ban laid back. If the Captain was cool, he was cool. Ban almost reflected the Captain. He was his best friend, after all. Meliodas didn't seem phased by Merlin's words, and the rest of the room agreed.

"Yeah, how bad can one thing be?"

"There's no way we can't handle one tiny thing from the future!"

"I bet Captain can handle it no problem!"

"SILENCE!" The King ordered. "We must know of this hindrance that may cause issues. Are you all too naive to see this?"

"No, Your Grace, but we just don't see how it will be that big of an issue." King replied, placing everyone's thoughts into words. 

Merlin had a dark look on her face. "Because we're watching the future," She said quietly, "We are bound to see the past. Which means..." The tension in the room rose, as everyone was awaiting the words of their trusted mage. 

"All of us are going to see each other's sins." The room went deathly quiet. Everyone had a ghostly look, heads down, a frown on their face.

"Well that's a risk we have to take right?" Everyone looked up at Meliodas. "If we want to save lives, we have to watch this. Plus, we're a team. We should know each other better than we know ourselves! What's the point of calling us The Seven Deadly Sins if we don't even know what the sins are? I know we're all afraid of our sin being discovered, but we have to support each other and work through the pain. That's what makes us a team, right?" Meliodas looked up at the rest of the team. "We can do this, there's nothing stopping us." 

Escanor was the first to respond. "Y-yes, I believe t-that the Captain is right. We mustn't let our pasts weigh us down."

"You know Escanor, you're right." Merlin got close to the Sin of Pride "You really are special."

"T-t-thank y-you M-miss M-M-Merlin"

"You're welcome. Now, shall we start this?" The Sins nodded, and they turned to the king for permission.

"Yes, I believe it is time for us to start. My vision can only look so far, you know." The king chuckled, when the door opened and a shocked Princess Elizabeth came in.

"S-sorry to intrude, but you called, Father?"

"What are you doing here Eli?" Meliodas was surprised. "Why did you bring your daughter into this My Lord?"

Merlin answered for him, "It's because for some reason, she has a future with us." The king was shocked. "My future self told me to bring her here with the rest of us."

"My daughter must not be harmed, and you must not harm her with these visions. However, if her fate is intertwined with yours, then I must not intervene."

Elizabeth took a seat next to Meliodas and blushed a little.

"Now, finally, let us commence the video." Everyone watched as Merlin cast a spell on the wall, and suddenly it was transformed into a screen. "Get comfortable, because this is going to be a long ride."

Cap'n, That's the Future! (Season One) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now