Chapter 2 - Talking

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Clementine did as Louis said and went to her room, packing her extra food she had from the start, the gun, a flashlight, some water, bandages and disco broccoli. AJ usually wanted it when he was worried or scared, she was sure he was now. Her eyes glistened at the boarded up window, wondering what they looked like with no wood so the room would be glowing.

She ignored it, though, and brung her backpack with her over her shoulder, seeing if Louis was packed. He was just staring blankly over the piano, looking like he was going to play it but the boy just stared, frozen. Clem dropped her bag by the door and entered without knocking, walking towards him.

"Louis?" She spoke, tapping his shoulder until she put her arms around his neck. "Are you okay?"
"I'm alright." He huffed, opening a can of beer. Clementine snatched it from his hands and examined it.
"Jesus Louis! This beer is so strong! Your gonna be drunk in two sips."
"That's the idea. Now give it back!" He proceeded to chase her around the room, arms out in front of him. "Fuck Clem, why are you so buggy about it?!"
"Do you drink? All this fucking time you've been drinking?!"
"Yeah, to drown the worries, to make me happier, to make me escape reality for a night, to make everyone leave me alone. I'm not the person you know, Clem. Because...because..."
"Why, Louis? Why are you so aggressive lately?"
"Because I joined the Delta for 6 months and somehow escaped. That's why I know exactly where it is. I felt like I was missing something, so I went out for a walk and found Lily. She talked to me peacefully and said that I could join her group, be with Minnie and Sophie. Dumbly, I accepted and never returned until half a year later. The trained me to be brutal and careless, to kill the dead and innocent."

"L-Louis...why did you leave your friends here? Alone?" Louis sighed in relief, not bothered to fight. "They needed you. After losing Minnie and Sophie, I'm sure that they were so scared! You left them in the darkness, while you could have led them with you into the light. I'm happy that you've told me but...fuck. How could you just leave you friends?"

"Because I was tired of the old people. Anyway, when I came back, I just told everyone that I accidentally got lost in the forest. Went too far. They believed it, but I have a feeling that Violet didn't. And that was when I blocked her out of my life, completely."

"You...blocked her out? You used to be better friends?"

"Yeah, now she just gives me pissed off replies. She used to be more lively, you know? Always beaming and excited. And now she's just moody, even more than the day she lost Minnie. But enough talking, you should get some sleep, I'll stay up."

He gave her a reassuring yet loving smile, holding her soft palm. She smiled back and melted into his body, feeling as he proceeded to pick her up and walk over to his bed next to the wall in the corner. It was a simple wooden one that left mould on the walls, not a welcoming sight but it wasn't anyone's biggest concern. As he layed her down on the cleanish sheets, her eyes started closing slowly and softly.

"Go to sleep, Clemster." He said, pulling the covers over her and positioning her head into a comfy spot as to not cause it to ache. "I'll protect you and Rosie tomorrow. And I promise you that we'll get AJ back safe. I promise."

While she was falling asleep, Louis walked away from her over to a machete which he kept after one of his friends died. It was a precious memory for him, but now was the time to test its strength. He waved it in the air, a murderous look in his eyes. He smiled. 

Tomorrow will be a pleasurable day... 

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