Chapter 3 - On The Hunt For Blood

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As the trio exited the gates, Clem had tears in her eyes as she remembered how AJ might be dead. Louis held her in his arms and kissed her forehead, gripping her backpack strap. Rosie strode proudly next to her new, temporary, owners and nudged Clem playfully, pouncing along the night next second.  The girl smiled and chased the dog along, brushing her hands through trees as she trampled over sticks and crunchy, autumn leaves. 

Louis chased after her, easily gaining the speed he needed to catch up with the girls and nearly overtaking them until Clem jumped on his back, causing him to fall safely in more leaves. As his eyes tried to adjust to the sunlight, a figure covered it for him. A beautiful figure.

He smiled up at Clem, receiving one back. "Come on you big goof!" She said playfully, about to get off until Louis put his hands on her hips. 

"Actually, I quite like this position." He winked after saying that, causing her to laugh. 

"Come on, just get up!" She got off of him first, then helped him to his feet soon after. He was wobbly at first when he leaned into his girlfriend, but soon got his bearings. Then, yet again, they were all running through the woods, as if they were kids again with no worries and had everything they needed. Together.

They came across a large tree, which Louis climbed up, and Rosie seemed to have a problem with the way that it was either smelling or looked. He saw the boat, a few hours away, and a lone carriage being slowly emerged into the ground with only three wheels. They all pouted. There didn't seem to be a horse nearby, at least a live one. There lay in the bushes a full dead horse with an obvious leg injury, probably left to die a painful death. 

Clem and Rosie inspected it, noticing a backpack thing connected to the saddle. Rosie tore it open then let the contents spill out. In there was a notebook, a pencil, basic equipment, some old crisps and a bottle of water. The girl smiled when she saw the water and, without thinking, drank some of it and passed it to Louis who just put it in his bag. He was thirsty himself, but would rather save it for Clem.

He looked at the notebook and was instantly intrigued. It was a full layout of the new defences and had where they keep the horses. He thought that it was too good to be true, but this was actually it. It must have been left by the previous leader, Ben. He had apparently been in a near death situation but ended up alright after another man, Kenny, saved him. The roast of the group had left them, thinking that they were dead.

"What's that?" Clem asked, peering over Louis' shoulder. 

"A plan of the new defences they installed, dated about 2 weeks ago." Louis replied.

"They wouldn't be that stupid to just leave it, would they?"

"No. This is from the previous leader, the one who was actually in charge when I went there myself."

"And...who would that be?"

"A guy named Ben." Clementine tensed up, looking like she just saw a ghost. "What? Do you know him?"

"Ben. A high school student who lost his friend and teacher in one day, watched them suffer. He came into our group and dealed some medicine to an unknown group and that got a girl killed. Carly. Lee was really mad at him and left Lily behind. He wasn't the type to hurt anyone, he was a pussy. Didn't stand a chance against anything or anyone. He tagged along with us until I got kidnapped by some guy as when Lee came to save me, he told me what had happened and I burst into tears. He was like a big brother. And I've missed him, honestly. Even if he did do some bad stuff."

"And you've not heard anything about him since? Anyone talking about him?"

"No. But I guess I was just in the wrong spot at the wrong time. What happened to him?"

"He broke the rules and got kicked out so Lily took his place. It may not seem like it, but it's pretty organised down there, amc they've got strict rules."

"Why Ben? Out of all people?" Clem muttered, tears filling her eyes. "He used to be so nice. And now he's going on to rule a reckless group? It doesn't sound like him, but I have a feeling that it is him."

"Everything adds up. He even told me that he doesn't regret giving the medicine to the other group. Like he had to do it."

"Where is He now?"

"Somewhere. Beats me."

They both looked at the path, the smell of dead horse still in the air. Rosie seemed to be eating a near dead rabbit with no troubles including the bones as lunch. The girl looked determined suddenly, like she knew what she was getting herself into. But only Louis knew, that she had no idea of how Ben had gotten...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2019 ⏰

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