Chapter Four

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When I wake up Cole is carrying me into a big house. I don't know how long I was out. I feel the immediate need to vomit.

"What- Where are you going, Cole?"

"Living room." He's holding me, and his grip is tight. He kicks a door open softly and holds it open with his hip.

"You think that is a smart idea? Bringing a stranger into our home and just letting her sit in the living room? We have guests here!"

"Without heat, she might die. The living room has a fire place."

"The living room has exits. A direct path up the stairs to our guests, to our alpha- "

"I'm not going to let this girl die because you're afraid of her. She is just a girl. Go grab a doctor- or someone... Be helpful."

"Why didn't you take her to Gr-"

"She might die! We are here now. Help me save her life, or get out."

Under me I feel warm soft support and the crinkle of a leather couch which reminded me of my father's truck seats, but less smelly. I hear a fire lightly smoldering, and someone throwing logs onto it to heat it up. I try to open my eyes, but everything is so dark and blurry. I can't see. I focus on my breathing, because without that, there is vomiting, and panic attacks. I start to whimper. Breathe Mira, breathe... I hear footsteps, lots of them. Thundering from above me, behind me.

"Shh, shh." I felt a hand on my forehead as my hair is slicked back, the frozen strands were melting from the car ride, leaving a slightly cold abrasion on my skin. "Mireya, it's gonna' be okay. It is me. Open your eyes."

For a second, my mind told me it was my dad, but it smelled like Cole. It was probably Cole.

"I can't see," I try to open them but the world spins. "I feel sick. Can't keep them open."

All around me I hear talking. Footsteps trample in, some of them leave in a scurry. Over the footsteps I hear voices, most are shocked, or in disbelief. Male voices all around: 'Is that a female werewolf?'

Yes, and one that is apparently dying.

"Someone get some blankets. Please!" Cole Shouted, "and a doctor!"

I felt the couch under me rush forward and the heat on my face got hotter. Cole pushed the couch closer to the fire and then came to sit in front of me. I was grateful to still have a working nose where my eyes couldn't function.

"Someone go grab some fucking blankets! Jesus Chri- Thank you." I feel something being tucked around me, but it didn't bring me any warmth. There was another presence in the room that seemed to stir up more commotion. His scent was strong almost over bearing and even though there were several similar scents in the room, this was the strongest.

"Everyone, out." The voice was low and calm. People turned to leave, a cascade of footsteps, but most of them didn't go far. Their scents lingered in the darkness around me.

"Where is Evelyn? Or Greg?" This new voice asks.

"Sent Lowell to go find them."

There was a pause. "I don't know much, but I can barely smell her, we need to heat her up and get her blood flowing."

"Warm fluids- "

"Something warm to drink is good, but we need to get the wet clothes off of her."

As he spoke I felt a hand tugging at my feet and I snarled, reaching out blindly with my hands and hitting flesh in front of me. There was a hand on my wrist now, holding them both down. The anxiety and the dizziness made me dry heave. Someone still held onto my wrists, but I could tell that they moved farther way, in case I got sick. Gagging, I weakly pulled my arms away.

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