Chapter Eight

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"He's gone?" I didn't understand. Who was gone? It didn't register that my father was awake and gone? Gone as in dead? Gone? Did he run? Please don't be dead.

"He's gone. He ran. I couldn't chase after him."

Ulric stands up quickly and pulls me by the arm to stand and follow. Cole follows too. Together, the four of us go out into the hallway. Already, the men in the other room were up and ready. An unknown man in their territory. Regardless of Ulric's words, this would be seen as a threat. I could already smell the adrenaline.

Ulric speaks first. "What happened?"

"He woke up, Greg was in checking on him while I was cooking breakfast. Next thing I know, I hear a crash and he's running out the front door. Greg is on the floor in the patient's room, and when I turn to chase after him. He is gone."

"His legs, they aren't healed," I whisper. I'm in shock. I'm already heading towards the door. "There men out there willing to hurt him. They've already hurt him."

I feel a hand on my shoulder, "Wait," says Cole. He turns back to Ulric, keeping his hand on my shoulder.

"No use in keeping this quiet. The whole pack knows now." Ulric squints for a second and rubs his face in frustration. He sighs. "Which way did he run, Evelyn?"

"Umm, uh. Towards the area we found him. Off into the trees."

"He could be heading back to our camp." I say quickly shrugging off Cole's hand as I start moving towards the front door again. Cole went to grab at my wrist and caught me.

"Cole, grab three men. We need to move quick."

Cole lifts his hands off of me and steps into the lounge room, I see him through the door frame silently collecting people. Ulric starts walking towards the front door and I follow.

"I'm coming with you."

"Good idea."

We step outside and wait for everyone to join us.

The group of men Cole has chosen all line up silently, I can feel their pulsing need to change. Lowell was among them, and I didn't like the way he was looking at me. It causes shivers to run up my spine. Most of their eyes are on me, they only look away when Ulric begins speaking.

"The man we are looking for is named Samuel. He is approximately 5 and a half feet. Hispanic with black curly hair. He is injured. There may still be a splint on his leg. One arm is also injured. He should be considered dangerous, but not a threat. Do not attack him. Lead him back if you find him. He is most likely searching for his daughter, or for the men that attacked him."

A few nod. They are all silent.

"Cole brings up the rear. Lowell's in front with me. Mark, James, you flank the sides."

"Who am I with?" I move to stand so that I am in front of him instead of beside him.

"Whoa. No. She's not coming," Cole says loudly. The others whisper in agreement.

"I'm not babysitting on a mission," one says.

"She's coming," Ulric says. "It's our best bet to avoid a fight if her father feels threatened."

I can tell Cole is bristling, his gaze never shifts from Ulric, but he doesn't argue. The other men all look at me. Some are amused. Others look mad. Ulric stays silent for a moment.

"You're with Cole." He says finally. "We track, Cole, you two stay back. Only engage if danger is present. When we find him, bring her forward to help coax him back to the compound."

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