Chapter 1- I'm a Weed Head

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"LET GO OF ME, YOU ANNOYING PIECE OF SHIT!" I screamed. It was only six in the morning and i was already wrestling with my oversized sweater and several coat hangers buried in the black abyss my family likes to call 'Dylan's Nightmare closet'. I yanked the sweater over my head and unwound loose threads from my coat hangers.

Today was not my day. My curls refused to be straightened, a short river of snot was running down my lips, and, of course, my mom burned breakfast. How could it get worse?

"Dylan stop screaming at your imaginary friends and get your ass in here!" Oh, right on cue dear brother. That's how my day could get worse.

I sneezed and shoved my closet door closed. I was getting sick of looking at the remains of 'Hurricane Dylan'. It only hit once a week, but I never got used to the aftereffect.

Yawning loudly, I skipped across my bedroom which probably made it sound a herd of elephants were passing through the house. Unfortunately it did and drowned out the deathly loud sound of The Beastie Boys from my radio. I rather enjoyed shouting 'no sleep till Brooklyn' at the top of my lungs for my brother's irritation. Sadly, it once led to me being tied to a chair with a soapy wash rag wrapped around my head. Terrible, right? My mother hadn't even untied me when she got back from work. My family can be so horrible.

I gripped the edge of my dresser and peered into my foggy mirror. Immediately, i regretted it. My appearance would have made The Walking Dead seem like child's play. I had weeds growing from my head. Not literally, but my hair had a striking resemblance. My brown eyes looked somewhat darker than last night and gave my face a lifeless look. Wow i'm ugly in the mornings.

I dropped my thick curls onto my shoulder and groaned loudly. As if responding to my misery, the smoke alarm went off. I threw my head back and screamed out my frustration.

"MOM, LEARN TO COOK!" My absolutely mature older brother, Austin, appeared in my doorway with an amused look planted on his face. "Breakfast is ready" he informed me. I shot him my best 'duh' look, "I know". Austin's eyes flew over my face and he jumped back in terror. "Holy smokes! I think I just shit myself! Oh, God, the horror!" I put my hands on my hips and waited for him to get the shock out of his system. "Mom!" Austin yelled. A low shout rose above the smoke alarm. "There's some kind of monster in the house!" Austin responded. I twisted my lips in annoyance. Austin slowly stepped into my bedroom as if to make sure it was safe. He smiled and winked, "what were you up to last night?" "Nothing you would do" I hissed. Austin laughed and threw his arm over my shoulder. "Don't touch me" I warned. Austin squeezed my cheeks," awww, but you're my little, baby sister". "Austin" I protested. He grinned and patted my head. I dropped my arms to my side and let my germs explode onto him. Austin yelped, "Dylan, what the fuck! That's disgusting! Why did you sneeze on me?" I giggled nervously as he gave me his famous 'Mr Mean Guy' glare. And that was when chaos erupted in the house.

I darted for the bedroom door with Austin quickly mimicking me. Once we turned the first corner into the hallway, Austin being in his Adidas socks, slid straight into the wall. I did my best witch cackle and fell onto my stomach with a thump. My foot caught Austin in his 'amigo down below'. He cried out in pain. "Shit, shit. Fuck, Dylan!" I slobbered on the hardwood floor because I was laughing too hard. Our moment didn't last long though. Mom came into the hall with her hair tied up, an apron over her half dressed body, and a spatula dripping with pancake mix in her hand. Austin tried to step in front of me, but I quickly cut him off and trotted into the kitchen. Mom must've been magical because somehow she managed to make it seem like she burned breakfast when she really hadn't. The pancakes came out a perfect golden-brown color.

I dropped down into my chair at the table and let out a loud yawn. Austin's seat was missing, so he just squatted next to the table. We silently watched as mom pounded butter onto the pancakes. Once she finished, she slid the plates in front of us and placed two glasses of orange juice beside them. She stared at us expectantly while we poked our forks into the food and took our first bite. Austin's eyes widened. Mom smiled,"how's it taste?" To be honest, it tasted like cardboard soaked in rat pee with bird crap for sprinkles. I coughed,"wonderful mom, just wonderful". There was a moment of silence. I glanced at Austin and nodded my head towards mom. He shook his head frantically. I frowned and nodded again. "It sucks" Austin spit out. Mom's face dropped in shock as I laughed at her recipe gone wrong. "Sucks doesn't even begin to describe how it tastes" I grinned. Mom whacked me over the head with her spatula. "I don't want to hear that from a weed head". I frowned at her comment. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I am not a weed head.

*Yay, first chapter done! I'm going to keep working on this everyday. I'm not too sure about all of the characters yet, but i have the story planned out. Other then that, contact me at:

Kitty paws up!! :3

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