chapter 2

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Lucifer's pov

I stand outside of lux with a smirk, boy does it feel good to be back but i have a mission to do find 'her' before she does anything to drastic. I just gotta find her and which body she has now, i swear that girl goes through so many different births its hard for me to keep up. With a sigh i walk into my club and see everything's the same dancers with the most skimpy clothes, drunks either making out or drinking their liver to oblivion just how i like it.
I look around and see maze attending  the bar, i put on my most charming smile what am i thinking my smile is always charming
"MAZIKEEN how have you been i have the perfect-" my eyes widened "dear father maze"!
i dodged the demon blade and it that maze rudely threw at me may i add and it stuck to the wall. "that could have killed me you know" i said pointing my finger at her in disbelief,

"where the hell have you been lucifer" she asked, before i could answer she kept going " no i know where you were in hell for the past TEN months not even a goodbye no note no messenger bird"!  "Actually they don't use those anymore" i cut in

"SHUT UP"! she yelled.
"i hear from chloe that you left and thought it would be best if you stayed there CHLOE not you but her! for ten months i would wonder, why he would leave me here why he wouldn't tell me why i am so sad and not mad because you know what lucifer i was hurt me maze the bitch demon that likes to hurt humans! So tell me Lucifer why are you here" By the end of maze's rant she looked as if she was struggling to hold in tears but i couldn't tell she always got this weird look on her face when i did something without her.
"Maze i am incredibly sorry for not consulting you but right now we have a serious matter" i looked her dead in the eye as i said it, she gave me a go om motion, i looked around to see if anyone was listening and noticed a male looking in our direction deary me he couldn't be anymore obvious i sighed "the one person who i care the most about has her memories back possibly injured and i need to find her I'm asking for your help as a friend" i whispered making sure to be discreet and not reveal to much information that vermlin was still listening.
"Someone more important than chloe"She gave me a really face indicatingshe wasn't believing it
"yes someone more important than chloe, believe me its someone who was sent to earth to stop the wars the only person who is able to outwit me you may remember her the little girl that just loved to steal your things and make your job harder than it really is" i replied hoping it would click,  her eyes widened bingo i thought,

"are you sure" her eyes were serious,

"i mean unless the horrible pain i felt were menstural cramps than no" sarcasm laced in my voice "let me remind you maze i don't feel pain and i doubt cramps could reverse the spell  I put their so yes i am entirely sure"
Maze heaved a heavy sigh and agreed
"Okay i will help but knowing her it will take a atleast a few days maybe weeks since she's so good at hiding its irritating," maze stared at me for a few seconds  before a smirk graced her lips, and that was never good "only if you go see chloe and ask for her help we may need more legal help with this, i doubt she'll help though with the way you left things" she said the smirk never leaving her lips.

I groaned "fine get amenadiel aswell we need all the help we can get, we should hurry though i don't think i can hold off my demon longer" 

"What big bad Lucifer can't hold off his demon" maze teased

"Please I'm excellent at holding him off, but this never ending feeling of wanting to rip someones throat out is seeming pretty good right about now" my voice getting darker as i went on. grabbing a drink to help calm my nerves, gulping it down only to grab another

" i was wondering if you went full demon on someone yet but seems little satan can hold himself" maze smirked after looking at my eyes " "what"? I questioned, i looked into my glass and my eyes were a very deep red almost blood like.

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