Chapter 18: The Darkness vs. The Knight

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Roy's POV

I watched Alpha leave. He headed back to Floccey Town. Apparently he has buisness that I knew I had to stay out of. With Alpha gone he entrusted me to protect everyone. He said he will meet us in Nimbasa City.

  "Roy. When is Alpha coming back?" Luna asked.

  "He didn't say. Shouldn't you be ready to leave tomorrow?"

  "Hmph. You are so bossy!"

  "You are so annoying." I replied.

  "Hey Roy. You want to battle?" Jason asked.

  "Nah."  I was stressed out from Zekrom. Hydra did great. Though when I was fighting, I actually felt weak. I am a blazing flame no doubt. Its just that Captino's craziness mixed with his new found power, doused my spirit. So tonight I will sleep it off. Wake up and beat the Castelia City gym with ease.

  "I'm suprised you haven't lost it like Captino." said Erin eating a rice cake.

  "Of course not. I won't go that far as to going insane because I'm not strong yet."

  "Captino let it get to his head. Alpha is his friend. The sheer thought of him single handedly taking on Team Oblivion has spooked him." Erin said.

  "It was a team effort." said Roy.

  "Really? Think about it. When you went to save Emily, who actually did the fighting? Who did the talking? Alpha has a gift. His aura has the ability manipulate the mind and will power. Roy... we all have experienced it. The time you battled him. You couldn't win without his influence. If it was just you and Captino like it was in Virbank, you would've been pummuled. Captino has just enough of negative energy from Alpha's aura, it drove him insane."

  "Listen Erin. I want to protect all of you. That's a personal choice. Alpha has nothing to do with it. Now get some sleep." I fell asleep quickly. I dreamed of all my friends and family. Then they turned to me and didn't say a word. They all had dead eyes. Like with no pupils. Then I saw Alpha. He walked with grace and seriousness that kinda intimidated me. I called to him but he ignored me. He sent out his Garchomp. I asked Alpha what he was doing. He ignored me again. Then Garchomp Mega evolved then attacked me with a Dual Chop attack. I dodged and ran away. Alpha and his Garchomp was on my ass like white on rice. I reached for my Pokemon but my pokeballs were gone. I was conered. Alpha and Garchomp was about hit me when I was shielded by my Gardevoir.

  "See. I told you. Alpha has a very dangerous aura." said Erin.

  "How are you..." I was really puzzled how she gor in my dream.

  "My Ninetales and Gardevoir let me in your head. Roy the only way to stop this is to end it right her. Become immune to this Dark Aura." Erin said. She was right. Alpha can't get in my head. I'm to freakin awesome. Now that I think about it, Alpha has Yveltal's energy infused from his childhood accident. Its not Alpha's fault. Its all a big misunderstanding...

  "Gardevoir use Moonblast!" Gardevoir charged a blast. Dark Alpha and Dark Garchomp Prepared a Dragon Rush!

  "Do it Roy!" said Erin.

  "Now Gardevoir!" Gardevoir clashed the blast and a explosion went off. I sat up in cold sweat. Erin, Jason, Emily, and Luna looked at me with concern. I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulder. The sun was rising. Castelia was on the horizon. Now I had confidence. I felt stronger than before. Now I will beat Captino, the Pokémon League, and even Alpha. Its go time.


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