Rose-Mari's First Birthday

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Bahja pov

OMG ITS MY BABY GIRLS FIRST BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!! I have every done all I'm waiting for is the entertainment is here. I got princess Tiana, Elsa, Jasmine and Ariel. Zonnique came over earlier to help me and Ron set up everything.

*Knock Knock*

Bahja: ~opens the door~ hello

???: did you order 4 princesses for a 1 year old girl birthday party 

Bahja: yes come right in, you all can change in the bathroom up or downstairs or the guest room

Princesses: ok thank you ~walks in and goes upstairs~

Ron: I'm going to pick up my mom I'll be back ~grabs the keys~ 

Bahja: ok ~kisses his cheek~ Nique can you go wake up Rose and get her ready

Zonnique: sure do you want me to give her a bath while I'm at it 

Bahja: please and Nique don't drown my baby on her birthday cause I will kill you if you do 

Zonnique: ~rolls her eyes~ I wont Bahj geez always paranoid ~goes upstairs~

Zonnique went into the bathroom and started Rose-Mari's bath. She went in Rose-Mari's room and started undressing her then she put her in bath tub as Rose started slashing water all over Zonnique and the floor. As soon as she was all washed up and dried, she yelled Bahja what do I put on her as Bahja said in her birthday dress its in her closet. She walked over to Rose's closet and saw a black, white and pink dress with a number one on it (picture on the side), Zonnique had some trouble getting it on her since Rose didn't want it on and kept yelling and fighting Zonnique. When she finally had it on Rose, she took Rose-Mari downstairs with everyone else.

Zonnique: now introducing Princess Rose-Mari ~smiles~

Bahja: ~gets Rose~ awe my baby looks so cute you want me to see the princesses that came to see you

Rose-Mari: ~laughs and claps~

Zonnique: ~runs over to Elsa~ OMG OMG I LOVE YOU SO MUCH ELSA ~sings~ let it go let it gooooooo conceal don't feel ~smiles~ I love frozen so much where's Anna

Elsa: ~laughs~ Anna is back in Arendelle with Kristoff ~walks to Rose-Mari~ but she wanted me to tell Rose-Mari happy first birthday ~tickles her~

Zonnique: ~crosses her arms~ and I don't get a hi or nothing

Bahja: Nique stop acting like a child

Zonnique: ~turns away and pouts~ I'm not 

Ron: ~opens the door~ I'm back

Bahja: ok hi Ms. Melissa

Melissa: ~walks over to me~ Hey darling ~hugs me~ happy birthday Rosie ~smiles~


Bahja: I got to take this real quick

Phone Convo

Bahja: hey Ray whats up

Rayan: just calling to say we just got in Atlanta we'll be there in 30

Bahja: you couldn't have text me that

Rayan: I thought you were busy

Bahja: nah not yet just with Ron's mom and Rose

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