xxvi. confessions

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san woke up, his eyes swollen from crying. he sat up from his bed, panicking when he recalled what had happened to him and wooyoung.

"good evening, sannie." san froze. wooyoung? "i'm here."

the older turned to his left, and indeed, saw wooyoung beaming at him with a warm smile.

"are you feeling better?"


wooyoung's smile disappeared as he began, noticeably nervous, "can we talk about.. uh, what happened earlier?"

"sure." san bit his lip, starting to get nervous as well. "i said what i said. i meant everything i told you,"

"i like you, i love you, i appreciate you, i admire you. what else? a lot more, san. i like you and i love you, without a doubt."

as if on cue, wooyoung smoothly began his second confession that day.

"at first, i messaged you because you seriously looked cool and i wanted to see how it was like to be your friend. nothing else, nothing more. as the time went by, one day, i knew i liked you. i was sure of that, sannie."

"i've never felt this before. i had a few crushes, but that didn't last long. however, you, san, made me like this. i feel like i'm the happiest person in the world because of you. you make me happy."

"i thought you couldn't express your feelings well?" san hesitantly interrupted.

wooyoung cackled and brushed off the older's question, embarrassed. "you're special to me, sannie. it's alright if you don't accept my confession."

san could see that wooyoung was absolutely a genuine person, and that's what he loved the most about him. "wooyoung," he called.

the other awaited for his response, tilting his head to the side. "i like you too, jung wooyoung. you're really amazing."

wooyoung grinned, enfolding san in his arms lovingly in a flash. "i can't believe you like me back!"

"oh, really? didn't yeosang and jongho tell you?" san nuzzled wooyoung's neck. "they did, but i forgot about it. just remembered it now."

"jongho told me 'you both like each other' one week ago, i knew he was tired of us," wooyoung added. san hummed, giggling at the thought of his favorite person and jongho's conversation. "i can show you the messages later!"

"hey san, will you be my friend?" wooyoung asked, giggling.

the blond haired boy chortled and remembered their very first conversation. "how about no?"

"will you be my boyfriend then?"

san smiled happily. jung wooyoung, the love of his life, the boy in front of him whom he met online, asked him to be his boyfriend, "of course, youngie."

don't attack me, i can't write narrations 4 shit

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don't attack me, i can't write narrations 4 shit

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