32. Kings Without Crowns

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The next morning, it was the day of graduation. A lot had happened the past month. Mom and dad had gotten a divorce and Dad left. I didn't know exactly where but it didn't matter, because I didn't really care as long as he never interfered with my life again.

Of course, I didn't let him leave before screaming the words I had wanted to let out for so long. "I'm worth it! Screw you for making me think I'm not."

After he walked out of the door, Mom eventually decided to go to rehab. She didn't want me living alone but I assured her that I would be fine. However, the Lances wanted me to stay at their place. It was crazy how big their hearts were that they let an athlete recovering from his obsessions, depression and eating disorder, stay at their house.

I got my very own room, joined in on the fun family occasions, and (tried) to eat whatever they made for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. If I didn't, they didn't force me to eat. Me trying was more than enough for them.

Hope's dad had woken up on the day of her surgery one month ago. He was a great man who loved his wife and children. I understood why the car accident scarred Hope so badly. They really were best friends.

When he first met me when he came home, he thanked me. He thanked me because I encouraged her daughter to let go of her fears and chase her dreams again. However, I didn't miss the opportunity to tell him everything Hope did for me. After that, he considered me family.

The thing is, all my closest ones still believed I was the same Nathan even though I had an eating disorder. They didn't treat me any differently. I wish my teammates knew I was still the same person. After I quit the team and they found out about my eating disorder, they just ignored me in the halls, in the classrooms, in the cafeteria, and around town.  I always thought if they listened, asked or just spent time with me, maybe things would've been different, but they just left me alone. Apart from Cody, of course.

"Hey, Hope Where are we going?" I asked as we both pushed our skateboards down the street underneath the clear blue sky, the warm summer breeze blowing on our faces.

"It's still a surprise! We're almost there!"

A few minutes later, I almost bumped into Hope's skateboard when she all of a sudden halted in front of a...playground?

What did Hope have to show me at this playground only a few hours before graduation?

We jumped off our skateboards and I followed Hope through the playground but stopped in my tracks when she jumped inside the sandbox and sat down with her legs crossed.

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