22. Choices

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The next day, when the period of English Literature was over and the students grabbed their copies of 1984 the teacher had given us the assignment to read and analyze with a partner, I pushed past the crowd of students who were heading out to make my way over to Hope.

She had fallen flat over her desk as if someone had knocked her out.

"You okay, Lance?" I asked, pulling out a chair across from her and slumping down on it as I attempted to suppress an amused smile.

She raised her head from the desk and my brows shot up before a laugh escaped through my lips.

She looked traumatized.

"No, I'm not okay. That she-devil is making me read and analyze. I'm not carrying that thing home. You think she'll buy it if I tell her that the book is too heavy for my retired arm?"

I gritted my teeth. "Not really, no."

Throwing her head back, she groaned. "Crap. I don't wanna be here. I want food."

Cupping my cheeks in my palms, I put my elbows on her desk and smiled. "Have you found a tutor yet?"


I grinned. "Awesome, cus I have an idea. Let's be partners for this project and let me be your tutor for all the other subjects."

Hope froze before her eyes practically blew wide open and her jaw dropped. "Wait, what?"

"You heard me. Let me help you graduate."

For a small moment, Hope went still and blinked twice before her expression dissolved and then all at once turned apologetic. "Look, Northwood, I suck at reading and writing, and I'm just so far behind the others. It will just end up with you doing all the work. Trust me, I'm speaking from experience. I'm legit so dumb."

"Didn't you say people with dyslexia aren't dumb. It just takes time for them to understand what they read?" I said, recalling her words from the night I stole those brownies with her from Jessica's house party.

"Yes, but I'm literally failing all my classes. You shouldn't want to work with me on anything school-related, let alone want to help me...," she trailed off and the next words came out quieter as she frowned. "That's just crazy."

Raising my brows, I leaned back a little and rubbed my eyes to make sure I was talking to The one and only Hope Lance. "Okay, who are you and what did you do to my overconfident best friend?"

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