Part 6

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°°°Part 6°°°
I woke up in my bed. I stood up and walked downstairs.
Y: Tom I had a really weird dream again...
T: What?
Y: It...It..Are you oke Haz? Omg how did that happen...
H: I fell down the stairs and that really hurt.
Y: Omg it wasn't a dream, where was I at that moment?
T: You fainted again when Haz was cleaned up. After I putted you in bed Haz told me what happend.
Y: Omg, I really hope you are oke Haz.
H: I am, thanks.
T: Want something to eat?
Y: Yeah I am hungry.
T: Great I made Pancakes.
Y: Oohh I had that before.
T: You did?
Y: When I came back from the fighting club there was this nice woman who was closing her restaurant soon because it was time to close her doors and she asked me to eat what she had left. So I always ate what she had left at night.
T: So cool!
Y: She offerd to help me many times but I always said she allready did so much.
T: Do you know where she is?
Y: Yeah, I want to visit her today.
T: Sure we can do that if you would like.
The doorbell rang.
Y: I will take it.
I opend the door and saw an exited Zendaya.
Z: Omg hii Y/N! Get ready we are going to take pictures in town for you insta!
Y: Good morning Z, I am eating first!
Z: Sure can I come in?
Y: Yeah.
Z: Omg PANCAKES! Can I have some?
T: Yeah sure.
She walked inside threw her bag aside and took a seat. We ate and It was amazing.
Y: Didn't know you ate such a good cook Tom.
T: There is so much you don't know.
Z: Ahh we don't care see you at luch back here bye.
Y: Z! I have to change first.
Z: Oke and take two outfits with you oke?!

°°°35 minutes later°°°
We were on our location and makeing pictures for my account and then for Z's account. After a while we both changed into our other clothes and we took pictures again. And changing again....
We were finally done, called Tom and Haz and walked to the restaurant with the nice woman. We saw the boys and went inside.
Nice woman: Hello guys take a seat...oh Y/N what are you doing here? It isn't night so you can't...
Y: They are my new friends and we are here to eat something. This time we will pay.

°°°Tom's pov°°°
Friends... oooff that hurts. I don't know why but I feel like I want to be more then friends.
Y/n: TOM!
T: Yess?
Y/n: Are you with us?
T: Yeah yeah I am.
Y/n: Great what do you want to eat?
I looked up and saw the waitress looking at me.
T: Erm....
I cleared my throat.
T: A bacon burger please.
I looked back down at my feet.
Waitress: And to drink?
T: A Beer.
Y/n: A bacon and egg burger and A coke.
Waitress: Oke
She walked away and I saw Y/N looking at me.
Y: Are you oke?
T: Yeah I am fine.
Y: Oke great.

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