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M: Hello, everyone to "HAMILTON REACTS TO SHIPS!" I'm your host M, and I'm ready for any ship you send my way! Alexander, Maria, John, Lafayette, Herc., Eliza, Angelica, Peggy, George, Samuel, Lee, Washington, Martha Washington, Aaron, Theodoisa, Theo Jr., Philip and George E. are our judges!(This was before Eliza and Alex got married. But yes Phillip is gonna be in this, don't judge me)

M: Since we now know our judges we can now get to our first ship!!

Laf: What's a ship? I mean I know what one is, I'm just asking just incase it means something else.

M: Thank you for asking! A ship is a romantic pairing between two characters in a fictional series, often one that is supported or portrayed by fans rather than depicted in the series itself. NOW ARE FIRST SHIP IS....

A/N: The Cover Will Be Change Soon Hopefully ❤️

Hamilton reacts to Ships!Where stories live. Discover now