Trying to Do Things Accordingly

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[doors open to reveal Fancy Pants, Jet Set, Upper Crust, Regal Splendor, Radio Future, and Royal Pain]

Fancy Pants: *calmly* Your majesties, we are here to... *looks in shock at the Mane 6 and Colt 6* Oh.

Applejack: Uh, we're fillin' in for Their Majesties.

AJ- *calmly* What can we help y'all with?

Regal Splendor: *admits* I say. How irregular. Well then.

Fancy- *calmly* We offer our assistance as heads of the Royal Swan-ifying Committee.

Jet/Radio/Upper/Royal- *nods*

Rarity/Elusive: *relieved* Ah, what a relief.

Twilight/Dusk: *nods* Thank you, but we have it all covered.

*everyone looks in shock*

Fancy/Regal: *skeptical*Reeeeeally? *dismissive* Well, good luck with that.

*the committee leaves in dissatisfaction*

*the Mane 5, Colt 5, Spike, and Barbra glare at Twilight and Dusk*

Twilight: *concerned* If we ask for help, it's just like admitting we're not as good at the job as the Royals are.

Dusk- *reassures them* Besides, how hard can throwing a swan party be?

Pinkie Pie: *happily* Yeah! All we have left to do is polish the armor, bubble the punch, glitter the carpet, puff the pastry, float the floats, and carpet every road in Canterlot!

Bubble- *looks at them* Should she keep reading?

*the Mane 4 and Colt 4 and Spike and Barbra glare at Twilight and Dusk*

Twilight/Dusk: [nervous laugh]

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