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Ryan's P.O.V

It only took me less than 5 minutes to arrive at the store I walked in and told the shop keeper that I was back to pick up sammy,

He stopped me before i carried on to the back to grab sammy.

" Hey is that girl alright?" He said

"Im not too sure she was still out when i left the house, i hope she is though," i replied

" Okay , I hope she gets better, i saw here staring into the shop before she was knocked down she didnt look like she was on good shape,"

"No she didn't either, well i better get going before she wakes up, Thank you for holding sammy"

"No problem , take care of that girl okay,."

I gave him a small smile before i Proceeded to grab sammy.


' What happened to her?'

I questioned while i was walking home, i was lost within my thoughts that i didnt notice that I almost passed my own house,

As i made my way towards the front door i pulled my keys out to unlock the door, i opened the door to find the girl sitting up looking around as if she doesn't know where she was, I mentally face palmed myself, Of course she doesn't know where she?

She was unconscious when she was brought here,. Dumbarse.

She looked up at me as i walked in with sammy at my feet,

"Hello Miss.....?" I waited for her to tell me her name but she just stared at me with a blank face, I knew she was putting on a mask to hide her fear.

"Okay" i said awkwardly i continued to introduced myself " I'm Ryan....Ryan andrews, whats your name?" I asked

It looked like she was having a mental debate with herself, like she was choosing to either stay and talker or just bolt for the door, m hoping its the former matter but clear

It wasn't as she quickly stood up and raced to the door i felt kind of....Hurt i don't know why ? But as soon as she made it to the door i quickly outstretched my hand and grasped onto her wrist she quickly ripped her hand out of mine and backed into the corner,.

She looked at me with fear in her widened eyes I'm sure i had a look of confusion on my face, i could her her saying,

'Please don't hurt me..... Please don't ....... Please.....'

I tried to reach out to her but she flinched away i quickly drew back my hand,

" Hey.... Hey... Its alright, Don't be scared , I won't hurt you , I promise"

I was shocked by her sudden reactions i didn't know what to do? I didn't want to hurt her,i had no intentions too hurt her.

She slid to the ground in the corner and brought her knee's to her chest whilst pleading for me not to hurt her.

I would never hurt an innocent girl like EVER!

I knelt down to her i could hear her hyperventilating and tried too sooth her but by that time she had already passed out again,

She slumped forward i quickly grabbed her and laid her on the couch again.

For some reason i felt the need to hold her in my arms and rock her back and forth but i knew i needed to gain her trust first before anything,.

I sighed before i leant forward and placed a small peck to her forehead and whispered softly.

" I may not know you or i may not know what you have been through but I have the need to protect you, and i will, i will do what ever it takes to make you feel safe .".

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