The Shadow Lurker

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I awoke, sweat surrounded my fragile body. I looked around at the mess, still unaware if what occured last night was real. I shook my head and put my hand to my forehead checking for fever, as if I had gone crazy and dreamt about being attacked by a wolf. I felt a jabbing pain to my arm, followed by a dark red liquid, blood. Had I scratched myself in my sleep? No this was too oddly shaped to be me, and my nails were far to short to harm even the smallest of creatures. I stood up, and surveyed the surroundings. There was no sign of damage from the supposed animal attack.. I strolled still cautious of the area around me, till I reacjed the bathroom. I looked in the mirror, my eyes were darkened and my shirt was tattered. But other than the reasonably long cut to my arm, there was no real areas where it implyed I was attacked.

I sat myself in the bath, and twisted the tap clockwise and rinsed my wounds in the cool water it released. I winced slightly as the water flushed through my tender arm, after the cut was cleaned and a few tears later I ran my hands under the water, and ran my now dripping wet hands over my face to liven my facial features. My veins visible through my pale skin, my eyes widen as a familiar noise rings in my tender ears. A howl. I jumped to attention, almost slipping in the wet bath. I quickly wiped my feet before slinking my way towards where I believed to have heard the noise. Which lead me to my parents room, another familiar noise came from behind the door, a scratch like sound. I quickly looked into my darkened room to find a baseball bat that I kept from Year 9, I gripped it in my still wet fingers and pushed open the door to the room where the inhuman noises came from, it was dark, I could make out a figure in the corner and it moved, I then began to swing the bat as something came towards me I couldnt tell what it was until it yelled "CHLOE" I paused, and reached out to the figure and touched the skin of my mother. I retracted my arm as she came towards me. I backed out of the room before she could get towards me. I grabbed my dark green hoodie from my doorknob and headed out the front door of our house into the light of day.

Something wasn't adding up.

My mother, the wolf.Where stories live. Discover now