The next day.

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So this morning started out pretty casual. (Y/n) Morshige had just gotten ready for her second day of school. She felt like she had already made some great new friends. Seiko, Naomi, Jotaro. Maybe she could make friends with Noriaki. He seemed interesting enough.

(Y/n) had already left the house, instantly being greeted by Jotaro who was only just striding through to get to school. She didn't dare make eye contact. She was too awkward to even speak to him, but her spirit just wanted to say hi to him.

It only took Jotaro a second to notice her before letting her walk up to her. "Did you sleep well?" He asked. Sleep... speaking of sleep, he did put her to bed. She was wondering what happened this morning. "Uhuh." (Y/n) nodded to him, slightly flustered before leaning up and kissing his cheek.

"G... Good grief. What was that for?" Jotaro asked, hiding his expression with his hat. "Thank you." She mumbled. "Oh. That. That was nothing. We're friends after all. So that was a selfless act. No need to thank me." Jotaro told her, rolling his eyes with his heated cheeks.

It pained him to say the word, friends. He wanted to be her best friend. The one that walked her to school and took her back home everyday, the one that studied with her all the time, the one that he could care for or talk to whenever he's feeling down, the one that wouldn't mind him making strange actions towards her. That kind of best friend. He just wasn't sure if she was comfortable with him yet and didn't wanna pressure her.

"Oh.." (Y/n)'s eyes looked up at the sky before nodding understandably. "Good. Let's hurry up. I wouldn't want those girls to think that we're dating or something. Wouldn't want them hurting you over such dumb and selfish reasons." Jotaro said as he began walking a bit faster. (Y/n) was sure to be catching up with him, since she went a bit far behind.

When Jotaro opened the gate, already they were met by screaming fan girls. Every morning. Every damn morning this happened to Jotaro. None of these girls loved him for who he really was, and that's what pissed him off.

They kept talking and screaming and irritating both (Y/n) and Jotaro. Though Jotaro didn't yell. He didn't wanna give (Y/n) more anxiety than she already does. Jotaro had to walk a bit faster, causing (Y/n) to pick up her pace as well though she had to walk away to go to her own locker. The two promised to meet up after class somewhere private.

While she was there at her locker, a familiar red head looked over at (Y/n). "Morshige, remember me? Kakyoin?" The red head said. "Oh! Uhuh." The female nodded towards him. They were locker neighbors. "Glad to see that. How are you doing?" Kakyoin asked her. "Fine." She muttered. "Ah, I see. You're missing someone, are you?" Kakyoin teased playfully.

Well, to be honest, Kakyoin was right. It hasn't been 10 minutes and already, (Y/n) misses her ruthless friend. The only real question is, how did he know? "I know because of the sad look in your eyes and the upsetting tone." Kakyoin said, his frown visible.

"Follow me to class. When Jotaro isn't around, I'll help you out. I can be another friend of yours." Kakyoin offered, giving her a sweet smile before gesturing her to follow him. "We're gonna be late to class." Kakyoin said before beginning to walk. Of course, the female followed, having nothing to do except follow the redhead.

"Thank you..." (Y/n) told him, gently smiling up at him. "No need to thank me. Jotaro would be glad to see that you've got a new friend." Kakyoin said before gently smiling back. The two spoke for a bit, though she didn't make much eye contact and didn't seem to be good at social interaction. Kakyoin had to keep reminding himself that it wasn't anyone's fault. Not hers, not his.

The two finally arrived in class, Kakyoin sitting next to Jotaro and (Y/n) sitting next to Kakyoin. How were these seats opened? Kakyoin and (Y/n) asked themselves, well, while they were away, Jotaro had to quote on quote scare off multiple fan girls. It wasn't difficult since those girls basically just gushed and walked off to a different seat. Jotaro is taken seriously, but not in the way he wanted to be. (Still, he should be grateful that he is still taken seriously. Admin's friend, Jordy, isn't taken seriously at all. ^^' )

The trio just sat through the entire class, though something was missing. Something was missing, but couldn't be brought up at the moment like this. Maybe not something but maybe someone. Who or whatever it is, needed to come back before (Y/n) lost it.

(Can y'all guess what or who is missing?)

Symptoms of love. (Jotaro x Autistic!Reader.)Where stories live. Discover now