Chapter one: The Infinite Ikea

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A man of about twenty five walked around the giant towering selves of the Ikea he was trapped in he was wearing a red T-shirt & dark blue jeans he could only see as far as a few meters & the only thing is sight were tables & desks he pulled out a journal & wrote I have no idea of how long it's been since I've seen another person, maybe a week or so my phone died what I would say two three days ago so I've lost track of time. The only reason I have survived & not died from starvation was a pizza place I found, it was nearly stocked full with fresh pizzas & other delicious food. I Decided to take as much as I could carry & what wouldn't expire quickly which wasn't very much. I decided to grab anything that seemed useful which wasn't very much at first, but after what seemed like days of walking I reached a new area of tables", "bed's & other bedroom furniture's.  

It had been so long since I had felt a soft mattress & even better the warm,comfortable blankets that made me dowse off instantly.When I woke up it was still dark out I had no idea if it was still the same 'night' or if I sleep through the 'day' but I feel better. I got out of the bed taking with me as many blankets as I could carry till I decided to tie some together to make a sack to carry everything in. Without my phone I could only see so much & was bumping into footstools & other furniture's. I tripped on a footstool & caused a loud bang as I fell on a nightstand breaking it, I got up & looked for injury other than a sore side I was fine. After some more time in the dark my eyes adjusted & I could now see the silhouette of furniture in front of me making it easier to move around. 

The lights turned back on after a while revealing more different types of furniture than just bedroom furniture there was now kitchen supplies too,which included a set of sharp knives & a mallet which I took along with some metal bowls & paper towels.I was originally thinking of using the knives & the mallet for cooking, but after carrying them for a while I realized that using them for defense might be a better option as I have no idea how other people may react to me or what else could be in here. By the time I was out of the bedroom & kitchen supply area I could barely take another step so I looked around & decided to sleep in some boxes as I was again in a row of boxes & shelves. After moving what seemed to be a disassembled bed & oven I layed down the blankets I took & got ready to sleep. My stomach was groaning with hunger as I had eaten the last of the pizza & chugged the last of my drinks down a few hours ago.

It took awhile for my hunger to be turned into exhaustion leading to me laying my head on a pillow I had also taken from beds helping me sleep better on the cold metal. I was awoken by the sound of a person at first it was hard to make out what they were saying but once I listened it was clear. The person who sounded very polite was saying "The store is now closed, please leave the building" I looked around but it was night again. It took me a little while to locate where the sound was coming from but when I did locate it the sound was coming from the other shelf on the other side of it. I jumped out of my blankets & walked quietly & slow over to the self the whole time the person was saying the same thing in the same voice "The store is now closed, please leave the building". 

When I moved a box out of the way I froze what I saw wasn't human it had the shape of a human, but was 8 feet tall, & had long legs & arms with a short torso & blown up head with no mouth, ears or eyes it's h&s looked like they could crush a bowling ball. When I turned my head a little a saw another person holding a makeshift sword made of melted knives, but with points coming out of it, he also had a pillow for a shield & was wearing a half wood & a lamp cover helmet. The creature repeated the phrase "The store is now closed, please leave the building" Before leaping at the guy right arm in the air, he slashed at him, but the attack was blocked by the pillow shield which seemed to have wood under the pillow. The shield was now torn up with parts of scratched wood being visible the guy swung his sword vigorously hitting the creature's arm, leaving a quarter of the arm slash yet this thing seemed to not care or notice & even used the arm to attack the guy breaking his shield before impaling his intentions than leaving the body there walking away in the opposite direction. 

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