Chapter 3: A whole town

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William grabbed the weapon putting it in his bag he took out his hands made one & asked "What do I do with this?" Richard looked at him & said "Give it to me I can sell it & this way you can repay me for that axe". He took the weapon & disappeared, saying he would be back & to not go anywhere he was gone for about twenty minutes when he came back he was holding some of the currency that he saw before. William looked at it & asked "Hey, what's that some form of money or something" Bob looked up from his crossbow which he had been cleaning "Yay they call it Kea basically dropping the I from Ikea". William asked to see a piece which Richard had no problem with giving him two pieces to keep he said. William looked at the metal coin that had the word Kea on it in big bold letters right in the middle with nothing but customer service under it which seemed to make it official in the town.

Bob explained that each town had its own type of coin that could only be used in that town & so if you wanted to be able to buy something in a different town, you had to know its name & what they call the currency there so you could make your own as there was no government so every coin was made from a different person which made it easy to become rich with the right resources. With this knowledge William could buy as much food or drinks as he needed, but since this was the case everything was very expensive, which meant people had to get a lot of metal or a lot of coins to be able to not have to go out foraging. For people to old, weak or sick to get their own food free food is given twice a day when the lights come on & when they go off drinks are given every other day either when the lights turn on or turn off.

It wasn't soon after leaving the marketplace that they came to a large metal pillar these metal pillars appeared around the town & outside of it & each one had a hands operated elevator that was available to use. They went on board one of the elevators which has a chain instead of rope to make sure that it didn't break. Richard was the one pulling them up, he took short breaks every few minutes each time the elevator would slightly drop causing them all to feel a jolt. It took about half an hour for them to make it up to the first platform on the pillar which was used for spotting the "staff" the floors above were used for storing the weapons & other military stuff. We walked onto the platform & were met by two guards they had make sift swords & wooden shields along with a bunch of different furniture such as armor. With how hard it was to come across certain items it was best that the guards didn't have a dress code, though the random pieces of furniture did look silly.

They patted us down & took our weapons & anything that could be used to kill or harm someone the only thing I was allowed to keep was my food & drinks. I was told it was a safety measure as there had been attacks by other tribes on their military bases before & it was a precaution. They gave me a piece of metal that had a hashtag & a number engraved on both sides, it was my number I had no idea why I was given it as I was just following Richard there. When it came down to only two people in front of me Richard had told me that he had brought me here to join the tribes form of military or at least savaging squads so that in the future there wouldn't be any trouble with me going out on my own or with a small group.

A few minutes later & the other two in front of me had gone up to the third platform to be examined & questioned before either being denied or given a position. When I was finally called up they took my piece of metal & one of the guards told me to follow him the platforms were connected by three meter staircases that swirled & at the top & bottom were two guards. As we passed the second platform, there were boxes of metal, wood, & clothe he could hear the sound of metal being hit & fires crackling tough he didn't have the chance to see where the noise was coming from as he was immediately escorted onto the third floor by the guard. The third floor was full of completed weapons & ammo there were boxes of rags used for cleaning off swords & other messy weapons that would end up back at camp. They walked to the other side of the platform until they were at the entrance to a blanket tent that at the front had the severed head of a staff on it.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2019 ⏰

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