Chapter 2: Other people?

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The man looked around & whistled an elderly woman & another younger man walked out of the aisles. The man who used the metal was wrapping his wound he was wearing a torn T-shirt with the sleeves ripped off & had a muscular build.The elderly women had shaggy puffy hair that was gray & white she was short & walked slowly. Next to her was a young man probably about 19 that carried a crossbow like weapon that the elderly women carried too, he was wearing a blue shirt with multiply logos & stickers on it. They looked around & were about to leave when he climbed out of the bottom of the bed the first to notice was the young man who aimed his crossbow at him. He put his hand up & said "Whoa! whoa! whoa! I'm a friend" the older man & elderly woman turned around they looked at him & raised their weapons at him. The man walked up to him & raised his weapon up making sure he could see it "What clan are you from?".

He looked at the man his face turned from fear to curious & he looked at them they each had a badge with different food court foods on them the man had a corndog badge the elderly woman had a french fries badge & the younger man had a milkshake badge. He looked back at the man & spoke "Clans? No, in fact you're the first person I've seen this week or two weeks, I'm not sure how long it's been". The three of them looked at the man then lowered their weapons the elderly women walked up to him she spoke in a quiet voice that you had to listen even if it was silent. She said "You must be a newcomer your very lucky to have survived the staff even luckier to have found food & something to drink". 

He looked at her & asked "What's a staff?" The elderly women looked at him, then at the bodies of the creatures & pointed at one "This is a staff, we don't know where they come from but they appear & seek to kill us". The younger man stepped closer nearly being face to face with him, he looked at him down, then up "Hey do you have anything to drink I'm perished & I did just save your life." he looked at the young man with an astonished look but handed him one of the drinks he got from the vending machine. Here but maybe saying please next time won't kill you the young man looked at him, saying nothing & with a passive-aggressive movement grabbed the soda & started to chug it. The elderly women walked closer & said "I'm sorry he's still young & has been through a lot on my behalf forgive him" the man looked back at the young man still drinking the soda & then back at the elderly woman "It's ok would you like something?" she was silent for a little but then said "Yes something to drink please thank you" he reached in & grabbed another soda & handed it to her.

The older man had finished packing up his arm & looked up to the man, "Let me introduce us," he had forgot to introduce himself & immediately said "I had forgotten to introduce myself I'm sorry my names William". "Nice to meet you William, I'm Richard the women over there is Betty & that hand full is Bob" he pointed to the young man who was giving him a sneer now. "Well, nice to meet you all" William replied he reached into his bag & pulled out his last soda "Would you like one?" he said putting his arm out in a giving motion. "No thank you I wouldn't want to take your last drink". William put soda back into his bag & asked if he wanted something to eat but he declined the offer. After a few minutes of talking Bob asked in an agitated voice "When can we go back to customer service". William looked at Bob not knowing what he was talking about "Customer service? You mean we could get out of here," Bob started to laugh before calming down "No you idiot, that's the name of our town you simpleton".

"Town? You mean there's more people & even a civilization" William said excited "Yes enough food, water & other things not to mention protection from the staff" Betty said in a silent mumble barely loud enough to hear. "Let's go than right away, I don't want to spend another minute here, " William got up & waited for the others to get moving they each got up one by one until they were all ready to move. They started walking to customer service named after the sign that was at the head of the town, it was a few hours away & it was still dark they had one small flashlight which barely gave them enough light Bob had climbed a ladder to look over them & to have a better view to look out for staff & other people. By the time they reached the town the lights had come back on & Bob had come back down from the selves saying that the staff were no longer a problem as they become passive during the day unless attacked. William looked in suprasegment he asked more questions, but no one answered them, in fact, they straight up ignoring most of his questions. 

They came to the front gates & for a minute nothing happened till Richard shouted out for the guards to wake up or he would cut their rations in half for the next two weeks. After that the wall that was made of bookshelves, beds, & counters which had holes in them big enough for swords to go through. It took awhile, but the gates opened & they walked in once they were fully in the town the gate nearly slammed shut scaring William & making him jump & look side to side. He looked around the town which seemed barren at first, but once turning a corner, it became full of life shops merchant stands & people shopping everywhere he looked it was nosier too. There were even a few chickens, dogs & pigs around not much if he had counted every animal the amount would be seven in all, if you didn't count the cages of rats that were every were they seemed to be a popular pet & food source. Of course I could only assume that the Ikea was infested by them, which made them so abundant. 

He looked around there was a shop for weapons, mostly wooden but a few knives pipes & axes which seemed to be one of the most expensive weapons in the shop. He looked to another shop it had food pizzas candy bars sodas & Swedish meatballs the prices were about the same price as one of the pipes at the store which seemed to be of medium prices. He looked around seeing some of the same kind of shops, but having different things a few sold house equipment which included wood planks & poles which were disassembled from bunk beds & tables.

They walked around the marketplace or so Betty called it, but it seemed more like a mall without walls or a ceiling or public bathrooms in most places.He went & used one of the bathrooms for the first time in a few days he hadn't had the chance to with the staff & the worry of food not to mention him sleeping for most of the time. The inside of the bathroom was smelly had what he hoped what was dirt on the ground 'water' everywhere & graffiti on the stalls & walls. He was barely able to stand the smell of the bathrooms & all the waste everywhere the toilets either didn't flush or didn't do very well, which caused clogs which would be emptied after it got to high or someone important complained.

He finished as fast as he could & got out a man pulling a wagon with a few sacks of what he could say was food & weapons went by temporarily blocking the road. He waited for it to pass & looked around for Richard,Betty, & Bob they were nowhere to be found, but continued to look & found them buying a makeshift axe the body was a metal pipe but the actual axe part was a smelted on it the whole thing looked like it couldn't cut anything & could only be used for bashing stuff with. He looked again & say a sharp pointed part on the back, he looked at the person holding it, he held it with care & treated it like it was a very valuable which it probably was as Richards face looked a little unsure but he went through with the purchase garbing the axe-pipe & handing the man some sort of currency.He looked around until he saw William he walked over to him with the weapon in hand once he was right next to him, he said "Here, take this weapon you will need it & that nail pipe you have isn't going to do much against other people or the staff.

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