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Sterling looked over at her daughter, who had her shirt on inside out, was still in her pajama pants and had her rain shoes on. The bright yellow boots clashed with her hulk pajama bottoms and pink shirt so the entire ensemble looked hilarious. Any other day, Sterling would take a picture and laugh, but not today. 

"Mommy, what's going on?" 

Taking a deep breath, Sterling smiled at her baby softly. "Daddy wants us to go away for a little bit so that he can get better okay. So we are going to meet your other daddy in Iowa along with your uncle." 

Victoria stared at her mother before shaking her head. "My Daddy is dead." She said softly. 

"Yeah baby, I'm so sorry. But it isn't safe here right now. We have to leave." Sterling said, realizing that lying to the child didn't work. Victoria always was able to tell things like that. 

Slowly, the little girl nodded, clutching her teddy bear tightly, and walked out of the house to the car. Within minutes she was passed out in the back seat as her mom pulled a hundred out of every atm they passed. 

Dean set his phone down as he stared at the wall in shock. "What the hell was that Dean? We do not share our location with anyone." John barked angrily. 

Looking at his dad, Dean felt helpless. "I had to, she has demons after her and her kid." 

Shaking his head, Sam stared at his brother in shock, "Not to be a dick, but Dean we have bigger fish right now." 

For a moment, the oldest Winchester sibling felt anger almost boil over. "You don't get it, Sam, It's Sterling, and her daughter is six." Sam's eyes widened and he took a seat as did John. Both of them remembered the fiery girl that had Dean so enamored almost seven years ago. 

"We'll meet them there then. We stand by family." John said softly, shocking both of his sons who were expecting more of a fight from the older man. Within the hour they were packed and on the road, driving away from the Rocky Mountains of Colorado and to small-town Iowa to meet up with the youngest Winchester. 

It was seven in the Morning and Sterling had felt like she had been driving for days. Already, four empty coffee cups from various gas stations had littered her front seat with another two in the counsel. In the back seat, Victoria was in a fitful sleep, plagued with nightmares and mourning her father figure, the trauma of leaving her home in the dead of the night suddenly and with little to no explanation wore on her. 

Dark circles were under her eyes as her body fought for any form of rest it could get. Guilt plagued Sterling as she drove, signs for Salvation had started to pop up, in another half an hour they should be in a motel room. 

Queen was playing softly on her hooked up aux cord to her iPod. "Mommy?" A small voice asked from behind her. "Are we there yet?" 

"Almost baby, you hungry?" Sterling asked, eyeing the sign for the next exit. On it was the red and yellow McDonald's logo. Victoria nodded her little head slowly and was relaxed when the car slowed down off the interstate and pulled into the fast food place. After five minutes they were on the road again, six empty coffee cups in Sterling's front seat and two in her counsel. 

They pulled into the random Motel in town at seven thirty-five sharp and both were fast asleep by seven forty. 

At around eleven, Sterling's phone started ringing. "Hello?" The woman answered in a groggy voice, still scratchy from sleep. 

"Hey, Sterling, Which motel are you in?" Dean's voice sounded over the phone. The sound of wind rushed through the connection, letting Sterling know she was probably on speaker. 

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